Obama administration scandals
Possibly—no, EASILY—the most dishonest and lawless presidency in U.S. history
"Green" scandals
Beacon Power BrightSource Brookfield Asset Management First Solar Fisker Automotive Miles Electric Vehicles Nevada Geothermal NextEra Energy Other stuff Range Fuels Solyndra SunPower Tonopah Solar Energy U.S. Geothermal Weatherization
Foreign or military scandals
Abortion imperialism Benghazi Camp Bastion Extortion 17 State Dept.
Law enforcement scandals
AP EPA I EPA II Fast and Furious IRS New Black Panther Party NSA
Other scandals
Keystone Pipeline LightSquared Muslim Brotherhood Obamacare Open Range Pigford Siga
Abortion imperialism
After reversing by executive order the Mexico City Policy, thereby allowing taxpayer funds to pay for abortions in foreign countries, the Obama administration ventured into illegality by using federal funds to promote and lobby for pro-abortion laws in foreign countries... which violates the Siljander Amendment annually attached to State Dept. budget legislation.
GAO confirms meddling in Kenya - November 17, 2011
"The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report Monday confirming Obama administration meddling in the drafting of controversial provisions of Kenya’s constitution, which were ratified last year. Officials funneled $18 million in taxpayer cash to a number of groups, at least one of which openly worked to reverse the African country’s ban on killing the unborn. U.S. law prohibits lobbying for or against abortion with foreign aid money." [More here and here.]
Pro-abortion activist to head Global Health Initiative - January 27, 2011
"President Barack Obama has selected a pro-abortion activist from Minnesota to lead the multibillion dollar Global Health Initiative the State Department is sponsoring. The move adds to the pro-abortion record Obama has crafted since taking over the White House in January 2009."
WHO commends Obama for promoting abortion abroad - April 15, 2010
"The head of the World Health Organization said yesterday that President Barack Obama has the United States doing a better job than Canada at promoting abortion abroad."
U.S. ambassador to Kenya supports pro-abortion law - April 7, 2010
"While pro-life groups have been working directly with local pro-life advocates in Kenya to urge the nation’s residents to reject the proposed constitution when it comes up for a vote, the Obama administration is working for its adoption. US Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger is calling on Kenya’s political leaders to rally the people to pass the referendum. According to the Capital News service, Ranneberger issued a statement praising the Kenya parliament for passing the proposed constitution and urging President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to rally support for it." [More here.]
Beacon Power Corporation (energy storage company)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors Bill Capp, Matthew Polimeno & James Spiezio
Another Obama "green energy" bankruptcy - November 1, 2011
"Just two days after the Administration announced its review of Energy Department loans, another "green energy" company dropped dead. This one is called Beacon Power Corporation, an energy storage company based out of Massachusetts."
BrightSource Energy (solar power provider)
Self-interested parties: Commerce Secretary John Bryson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
RFK Jr. scores $1.4 billion bailout - November 16, 2011
"President John F. Kennedy’s nephew, Robert Kennedy, Jr., netted a $1.4 billion bailout for his company, BrightSource, through a loan guarantee issued by a former employee-turned Department of Energy official." [More here.]
Worse than Solyndra? - September 26, 2011
"President Obama's nominee for Commerce secretary served as chairman of the board of a solar energy company that recently received a $1.37 billion federal loan guarantee – the largest the Department of Energy has ever given for a solar power project."
Brookfield Asset Management
Self-interested parties: John Podesta, Michael Bloomberg
Look whose relative just got an energy loan - October 11, 2011
"The sister-in-law of John Podesta, President Obama's influential White House transition director, served as the lobbyist for a wind power firm that was just awarded a $135.8 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy. The company is Brookfield Asset Management. It boasts a board of nine directors, including New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's long-term girlfriend."
Operation Fast and Furious
Self-interested parties: Obama gun control agenda
DOJ manipulated press coverage - November 15, 2011
"Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department sought to manipulate reporters’ coverage of Operation Fast and Furious during the days preceding a November 1 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, new emails obtained by The Daily Caller indicate."
Fast and Furious was not "botched" - November 10, 2011
"The only thing botched about Operation Fast and Furious is that the American public found out about it. Fast and Furious was carried out exactly as planned: allow straw purchasers to transfer guns to cartels, let those guns get trafficked back to Mexico and see where they end up. There was no plan to trace these guns and no plan to inform the Mexican Government of the operation..."
Holder refuses to apologize for death of agent - November 8, 2011
"Attorney General Eric Holder tells Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) that he has not apologized to the family of Brian Terry, the U.S. Border Patrol agent murdered by a weapon used in the Fast & Furious operation now being investigated. When given the opportunity to do so at today's Senate hearing he would not apologize." [Finally apologizes... by EMAIL.]
Congressional calls for Holder resignation - October 31, 2011
"Nine more members of Congress have told The Daily Caller that they’re calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over his handling of Operation Fast and Furious, more than doubling the number on record before the weekend calling for his ouster. A total of 17 members of Congress have now called for Holder to step down."
Sheriff accuses federal officials of murder - October 30, 2011
"The Sheriffs are demanding the truth from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and believe that those responsible should be held criminally accountable... Citizens of the United States and Mexico have already been murdered by cartel members who now posses these weapons. There is no doubt more bloodshed will occur on both sides of the border, since over 1,500 weapons still remain unaccounted for."
WH hiding staffer connected to scandal - October 27, 2011
"The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform led by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is investigating to what extent the White House was aware of — or involved in — the “Fast and Furious” gunwalking scandal. The committee recently requested to speak with former White House National Security Staffer Kevin O’Reilly. According to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson, the Obama administration answered: O’Reilly is on assignment for the State Department in Iraq and unavailable. Through a tip, PJ Media learned that Kevin O’Reilly was unexpectedly named director of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Bureau for Iraq (INL-Iraq)." [More on O'Reilly involvement.]
ATF ignored threats, framed whistleblower - October 21, 2011
"When Dobyns essentially "blew the whistle" on Newell, pointing out his failures to address violent death threats against a federal agent, he was retaliated against. Newell dismissed the threats and then covered up his blatant dismissal of those threats within the Phoenix Field Office."
How it happened - October 17, 2011
"The central characters in the failed “Fast and Furious” firearms investigation were 19 men and one woman, all legal residents of the U.S., accused of laying down hundreds of thousands of dollars in illicit cash at Phoenix-area gun shops to buy an arsenal of high-powered weapons for Mexican drug smugglers."
It wasn't just guns - October 14, 2011
"Police say Jean Baptiste Kingery, a U.S. citizen, was a veritable grenade machine. He's accused of smuggling parts for as many as 2,000 grenades into Mexico for killer drug cartels -- sometimes under the direct watch of U.S. law enforcement."
Holder's claim contradicted by Obama - October 13, 2011
"CNN's John King plays Holder's testimony to Congress on MAY 3, 2011, where he said he had only just recently heard about the Fast & Furious gunrunning program... Then CNN compares Holder's testimony to what President Obama said in MARCH to CNN Espanol about the operation." [Issa says Holder hiding facts.]
Lanny Davis tries to spin scandal - October 13, 2011
"You can gauge how serious a political crisis is by who the people under fire bring in to shore up their defenses. Clintonista Lanny Davis, who represented former President Bill Clinton during his impeachment, has now stepped up to issue an op-ed piece that attempts to make a molehill out of a mountain." [DOJ spinning, too.]
"Gunwalker" only tip of scandal iceberg - October 12, 2011
"According to sworn testimony, the Gunwalker scandal involves an entire alphabet soup of federal agencies: the ATF, FBI, DOJ (Department of Justice), DHS (Department of Homeland Security), ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), CBP (Customs and Border Protection) and IRS (Internal Revenue Service), not to mention the State Department and White House."
Holder lied, people died - October 4, 2011
"...Holder is clearly not telling the truth about his role in Gunrunner. He knew about it, boasted of it and took credit for it. Now he's orchestrating a cover-up of it. President Obama needs to man up about Gunrunner..."
CBS reporter says WH screamed & swore at her - October 4, 2011
"The Fast and Furious scandal, in which the Justice Department knowingly gave Mexican criminal gangs thousands of guns, just keeps escalating... CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson -- who's been covering the scandal from the beginning -- says in an interview on the Laura Ingraham Show today that the White House and Justice Department have taken to screaming at her for reporting on the story."
Gov't bought & sold weapons with public funds - September 26, 2011
"Not only did U.S. officials approve, allow and assist in the sale of more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa cartel -- the federal government used taxpayer money to buy semi-automatic weapons, sold them to criminals and then watched as the guns disappeared."
Mexico says 200 murders traced to F&F - September 20, 2011
"...the Attorney General in Mexico has confirmed at least 200 murders south of the border happened as a result of Operation Fast and Furious."
Email after Border Patrol agent Brian Terry's murder - December 16, 2010
"...Phoenix should start preparing their explanations for the way that they conducted their straw purchase cases there. They should probably hire a media expert anyway to assist them in explaining the 2000 firearms and the possible connection in the murder of the Border Patrol Agent."
First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra
Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011
"First Solar got the financial equivalent of four (4) Solyndra-type deals in September. First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."
More last-minute DOE loans favor Dem donors - September 29, 2011
"First Solar got $2.1 billion in loan guarantees, despite it looking like a very bad investment. ... Who are the investors? One is Michael Ahearn, who pulled out a $69 million stake in the company last month, obviously not as interested in betting on First Solar as the Obama administration. However, he did invest $123,000 in the Democratic Party over the last three cycles."
Fisker Automotive (hybrid cars)
Self-interested parties: Al Gore, Government-owned GM
Karma mileage no better than SUV - October 20, 2011
"In the case of the Fisker Karma, we get a true MPGe of 19. This makes it worse than even the city rating of a Ford Explorer SUV. Congrats to the Fisker Karma, which now joins corn ethanol in the ranks of heavily subsidized supposedly green technologies that are actually worse for the environment than current solutions."
Gets U.S. loan, builds cars in Finland - October 20, 2011
"...an electric car company that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work. Fisker is more than a year behind rolling out its $97,000 luxury vehicle bankrolled in part with DOE money. While more are promised soon, just 40 of its Karma cars... have been manufactured and only two delivered to customers' driveways, including one to movie star Leonardo DiCaprio."
Keystone Pipeline (oil pipeline cancelled by Obama)
Self-interested parties: Obama supporter Warren Buffet
Buffett's Bakken boom - November 16, 2011
"Killing the Keystone XL pipeline may help one of the world's richest men get richer. North Dakota's booming oil fields will now grow more dependent on a railroad the president's economic guru just bought."
How Obama killed thousands of jobs - November 14, 2011
"If Americans needed any further proof that the Obama Administration is one of the most political on record, or that, for all the recent demagoguing, it really cares only about re-election, not about job creation, then you need look no further than its cynical Keystone XL oil pipeline decision last week."
Self-interested parties: Barack Obama, George Soros, Democrat contributor Philip Falcone
Soros turns up in LightSquared scandal - September 21, 2011
"Soros reportedly invested in the telecom company LightSquared through a hedge fund, and many of the nonprofits he finances have backed LightSquared in regulatory and policy disputes."
Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen
Green graft continues - November 15, 2011
"If you thought the green company graft ended when the Department of Energy’s Cash by Suckers program expired at the end of September, you are mistaken. ...despite the expiration of one program, the US government is still giving money to so-called “green” companies under another Obama program. But rather than giving money as loan guarantees as the DOE was doing, this money is an outright gift to private companies with no strings attached..."
Director paid six figures for Obama loans - October 31, 2011
"A financially-troubled Canadian alternative energy company with ties to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid paid a director the lion's share of $758,828 (CAD) in reported consulting fees, according to an analysis of the filings made by the company. The fee was a part of a consulting agreement in order to successfully arrange a loan guarantee by the Department of Energy."
Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."
New Black Panther
Self-interested parties: Obama racial agenda
Obama marched with NBP in 2007 - October 3, 2011
"New photographs... reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007. The photographs... are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots. In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation."
NextEra Energy
Self-interested parties: Obama jobs council member Lewis Hay
Jobs panel member lands DOE loan - November 1, 2011
"But the company also enjoys a connection to the Obama administration -- company Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay sits on the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which last month issued a report calling, among other things, for a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools."
Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011
"First Solar got the financial equivalent of four (4) Solyndra-type deals in September. First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."
Open Range Communications (rural broadband provider)
Self-interested parties: Obama Blame-Bush agenda
Taxpayers on hook for $74 million - October 20, 2011
"The company Open Range, backed by a commitment of $267 million in loans from the Agriculture Department, filed for bankruptcy this month. Taxpayers are on the hook for $74 million that the upstart hasn’t repaid. And now the company, some analysts and a senior government official are blaming poor judgment and Washington bureaucracy as the reasons Open Range failed."
Bankruptcy caused by 2010 FCC decision - October 7, 2011
"Open Range ran into trouble last fall when the FCC yanked GlobalStar's waiver to use its satellite spectrum for ground-based mobile broadband service. GlobalStar's failure to meet the FCC's conditions for its spectrum had earlier prompted the RUS to suspend its loan, creating major cash flow problems for Open Range."
Other green stuff
Self-interested parties: Obama green agenda & various greedy Democrats
Obama backers rewarded with green money - November 12, 2011
"...a large proportion of the winners were companies with Obama-campaign connections. Indeed, at least 10 members of Obama’s finance committee and more than a dozen of his campaign bundlers were big winners in getting your money. At the same time, several politicians who supported Obama managed to strike gold by launching alternative-energy companies and obtaining grants. How much did they get? According to the Department of Energy’s own numbers ... a lot. In the 1705 government-backed-loan program, for example, $16.4 billion of the $20.5 billion in loans granted as of Sept. 15 went to companies either run by or primarily owned by Obama financial backers..."
WH warned about green loans - November 11, 2011
"New internal White House emails reveal that a scathing critique of Energy Secretary Steven Chu by a former Obama political advisor was widely circulated at the highest levels of the administration. The Feb. 25, 2011 email that sparked the deliberations landed on West Wing desks just as the solar energy firm Solyndra was starting to show outward signs of financial trouble."
DOE IG: 100+ stimulus-related criminal probes - November 2, 2011
"The Energy Department's inspector general has launched more than 100 criminal investigations related to 2009 economic stimulus spending."
EnergyGate cheat sheet - October 29, 2011
Doug Ross lists everything by culprit as opposed to this web page's effort to group them by scandal. Between the two of us... nah, we still don't have all the dirt.
Pigford v. Glickman lawsuit settlement
Self-interested parties: Obama supporting race hustlers and lawyers
Will Pigford vindicate Andrew Breitbart? - October 6, 2011
"Since that time Breitbart has worked to understand the full story behind Sherrod’s hasty ousting and believes he has an answer. According to Breitbart, the answer lays in a piece of legislation President Barack Obama signed Wednesday — which provides $1.15 billion in funding for a case known as Pigford II. The money will be doled out in payments of $50,000 for more than 90,000 alleged black farmers as retribution for alleged discrimination on the part of the USDA. From the initial class action suit, Pigford vs. Glickman, Shirley Sherrod and her husband received $13 million. In addition to the $13 million, the USDA gave her a job in their ranks." [More: Media Matters tried to cover up Pigford scam.]
USDA’s Pigford fraud - February 2, 2011
"In 2007, then-Sen. Barack Obama began working to pass legislation providing even more money for a whole new class of claimants via “Pigford II.” This push ignored fraud in and several convictions over the original settlement, but Mr. Obama was advised his legislation could help him in a Democratic presidential primary fight against then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. As president, Mr. Obama rammed this new, $4.6 billion boondoggle through Congress during last year’s post-election, lame-duck session." [YouTube video by WildBillForAmerica.]
Largest scam in U.S. history - December 7, 2010
"In essence Pigford, while originally a legitimate grievance by about 400 black Southern farmers against USDA, has become a reparations Ponzi scheme that will cost taxpayers billions when the Obama orchestrated “resettlement” is paid out. It is rife with fraud, corruption and even murder. In the end, virtually any black person who ever grew a pansy on their windowsill could file a claim as a farmer."
Siga Technologies Inc. (smallpox drug)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Ronald O. Perelman, former SEIU boss Andy Stern
Obama's half-billion-dollar crony drug deal - November 16, 2011
"What do you get when you mix Democratic fat-cat donations, Big Labor favors, pharmaceutical lobbying and Beltway business as usual? Answer: another toxic half-billion-dollar Barack Obama-approved crony deal. Move over, Solyndra. Here comes Siga-Gate."
SEIU Boss, no-bid contract, anthrax for kids - November 13, 2011
"...the Obama administration’s ties to Siga become even more questionable, considering the recent recommendation to start experimenting with an Anthrax vaccine on America’s children."
Questionable $433-million smallpox drug deal - November 13, 2011
"Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor." [More here.]
Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend
Chu refuses to apologize - November 17, 2011
"UPTON: So no apology? CHU: Well, it’s extremely unfortunate what has happened with Solyndra. If you look back and look at the time, the decisions being made, was there incompetence, was there any influence of a political nature? And I would have to say no."
Energy Dept. kept layoffs secret - November 15, 2011
"The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show."
Emails show WH discussions with donor - November 9, 2011
"Newly obtained emails released by House investigators suggest that George Kaiser, a billionaire Obama donor and chief investor in bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra, discussed the company with White House officials, directly contradicting earlier accounts."
WH rejects subpoena request for documents - November 4, 2011
"President Obama's attorney sent a letter to Congressional investigators on Friday, saying the White House would not cooperate with a subpoena requesting documents related to its doling out a $535 million loan guarantee to now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra." [Legal analysis.]
Executive bonuses before bankruptcy - November 4, 2011
"Solyndra executives were awarded quarterly bonuses worth up to $60,000 apiece earlier this year as the California solar-panel company headed for bankruptcy, court documents show."
Solyndra simply the beginning - November 3, 2011
"The White House's half billion dollar loan to a now- bankrupt solar panel firm is just the first act in an emerging scandal of insider political influence over a deeply flawed, and possibly corrupt, clean energy program."
Fact checking Obama - October 7, 2011
"Obama referred to Solyndra’s loan at an Oct. 6 press conference as “a loan guarantee program that predates me.” That’s not accurate."
Obama fundraiser pushed deal from inside - October 7, 2011
"An elite Obama fundraiser hired to help oversee the administration's energy loan program pushed and prodded career Department of Energy officials to move faster in approving a loan guarantee for Solyndra, even as his wife's law firm was representing the California solar company..."
DOE almost gave them another $469 million - October 5, 2011
"Newly released e-mails show the Obama administration’s Energy Department was poised to give Solyndra a second taxpayer loan of $469 million last year, even as the company’s financial situation grew increasingly dire."
Violated loan 2010, got more money 2011 - September 28, 2011
"The U.S. Department of Energy learned in December that Solyndra was violating its federal loan deal, but the agency changed the loan terms to allow the solar company to continue receiving taxpayer funds, federal officials confirmed Wednesday." [Chu accepts responsibility for loan modification.]
SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy
DOE altering loan-related press releases - October 19, 2011
"Someone affiliated with the Department of Energy has been going back to make changes to press releases posted on the Internet weeks and months ago, CNBC has found."
Loan recipient financially troubled - October 12, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."
Twice as bad as Solyndra - October 11, 2011
"How did a failing California solar company, buffeted by short sellers and shareholder lawsuits, receive a $1.2 billion federal loan guarantee... Two men with insight into the process are SunPower rooter Rep. George R. Miller III, (D.-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Education and Workforce Committee and the co-chairman of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, and his SunPower lobbyist son, George Miller IV."
More last-minute DOE loans favor Dem donors - September 29, 2011
"SunPower has paid lobbyist Patrick Murphy, a close confidant of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, at least $290,000 in lobbying fees since 2009. SunPower’s political action committee gave $15,650 to Democratic congressional candidates in 2010 and only $500 to a single Republican candidate. Reid received the largest slice of that pie, a $4,000 campaign contribution."
Tonopah Solar Energy (subsidiary of SolarReserve)
Self-interested parties: Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Harry Reid, Democrat contributors James McDermott, George Kaiser, Lee Baily & Anthony Podesta
$737 million green loan to Pelosi kin - September 30, 2011
"GOP claims that the Obama administration’s green energy loan guarantee program is mired in cronyism grew on Friday after a company tied to Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law got the lion’s share of the final government hand-outs made before Friday’s end of the fiscal year." [More here.]
More last-minute DOE loans favor Dem donors - September 29, 2011
"John Rossomondo also notes the connection to Ron Pelosi at SolarReserve, but there are more connections to big Democratic donors: Additionally, Federal Election Commission records made available by the Center for Responsive Politics show that SolarReserve board member James McDermott has contributed $61,500 to various Democratic campaigns since 2008, including $30,800 to Obama’s presidential election campaign."
DOE weatherization program
Self-interested parties: Obama green agenda, Democrat politicians
Obama's big green mess - October 16, 2011
"...Energy Department investigators found that 14 percent of weatherization projects surveyed, from Tennessee to West Virginia, failed to meet safety or quality standards. Overall, as the $787 billion economic stimulus—the primary engine for the green-energy agenda—came to an end Sept. 30, it is clear that the program created far fewer jobs than promised. Some of the biggest immediate beneficiaries of the green revolution, ironically, may have been politicians themselves. Executives of the top 50 recipients of the government’s green-energy aid have donated more than $2 million to federal campaigns since Obama took office."
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5/24/14 - Well, JP...
5/24/14 - There is no...
Cirque du NBA
5/24/14 - Yes, exactly...
5/14/14 - Sterling may be...
5/13/14 - You have a...
Obama milestones
4/29/14 - Unfortunately JP...
4/27/14 - But bad as he is...
4/19/14 - It is a study...
4/18/14 - Each year...
About this website
4/13/14 - Just curious...
9/3/13 - Stop sending...
8/2/13 - Hi there!
RICO and the Democrat Party
3/29/14 - Yep. BTW...
3/28/14 - Hey - this is weird...
3/27/14 - Hurrah!
Breaking compacts
3/20/14 - Well done.
3/16/14 - Read your bible...
3/16/14 - It's said that...
You get what you pay for
3/13/14 - It would be good...
3/13/14 - I thanked...
1/4/14 - Let's not forget...
John Kerry and Global Warming consensus
3/13/14 - Talk about...
2/22/14 - The Obamunists...
Daily Dose 2/15/14
2/17/14 - This administration...
Daily Dose 2/9/14
2/9/14 - Looks like...
Daily Dose 2/8/14
2/9/14 - I think...
2/9/14 - Meanwhile...
2/9/14 - Interesting...
Big fat liars
2/9/14 - I think Christie's...
2/9/14 - Anyone with...
2/1/14 - Wouldn't it be...
Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and the big freeze out
2/8/14 - Perhaps it...
1/31/14 - Why does...
Daily Dose 2/2/14
2/3/14 - Here's the...
2/2/14 - Here's my...
Daily Dose 1/25/14
1/26/14 - Seems like...
Are liberals butt ugly or what?
1/26/14 - Hello, I was...
Watching Lone Survivor with a WWII infantryman
1/24/14 - Jim....what a...
1/24/14 - I love this! ...
1/23/14 - Jim, Your story...
Attrition of joy
1/18/14 - Headline...
The Barack Obama work ethic
1/11/14 - In my opinion...
1/11/14 - Just some facts...
1/11/14 - Considering what...
1/11/14 - Vacation as Usual...
1/11/14 - He's been lazy...
Disgust and despair: the Paul Ryan budget
12/24/13 - To me this...
12/17/13 - The nerd in me...
12/15/13 - WOW JP, how...
Losing World War II
12/11/13 - Bill Gates is...
12/7/13 - J.P.- this...
America�s first experiment with communism
11/26/13 - Happy Thanksgibbletting.
11/23/13 - What are you...
11/23/13 - Great article...
Oprah overplays the race card
11/23/13 - Oprah has...
8/17/13 - ...a rodeo...
Incorrect promises and noble lies
11/23/13 - Even if...
11/18/13 - I am a good...
11/16/13 - We may yet...
Big lies
10/21/13 - Totally disgusted...
10/20/13 - Hey, JP...
J.P. elsewhere
Favorite links
- Breitbart.com
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- memeorandum
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- Prison Planet
- Reno Gazette-Journal
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- Slate
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- American Spectator
- American Thinker
- Atlas Shrugs
- Cato Institute
- Center for Public Integrity
- Conservative Librarian
- Debbie Schlussel
- Douglass Report
- First Things
- Fraser Institute
- Gateway Pundit
- GetLiberty.org
- Goldwater Institute
- Heritage Foundation
- Hoover Institution
- Hot Air
- I Hate the Media
- Imprimus
- Islam: Religion of Peace
- Jewish World Review
- Jihad Watch
- JunkScience.com
- Lloyd Marcus
- Media Research Center
- Michelle Malkin
- Michael Yon
- National Review Online
- Nat'l Taxpayers Union
- NewsBusters.org
- The Other McCain
- Political Calculations
- The Real Cuba
- Robin of Berkeley
- Sister Toldjah
- Thomas More Center
- TownHall.com
- Weekly Standard
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- Conservapedia
- DiscoverTheNetworks
- Mohammed Images
- OpenSecrets.org
- PolitiFact
- Presidential executive orders
- Sunlight Foundation
- Top 150 conservative websites
- WikiLeaks
- Conservative's Forum
- Smart Girl Politics
- FairTax.org
- SarahPAC

February Top Ten
Democrat Party Timeline of Ignominy
Website update!
Kerri Dunn and her vandalized car
The Nutty Muslim Professor
Kool Kids Klan KKK
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Miranda Prather and the Fist of God
Morton Downey's swastika
The Afghan Knife trilogy
Crooked Democrats