United Nations
Case study in de-evolution of government into corruption and immorality
Bungling & ineffective
Valuable websites
Inner City Press
UN Watch

Anti-Americanism increasing at UN - May 7, 2013
"Anti-Americanism at the United Nations is now routine. Every few days, some kind of statement comes out of the United Nations condemning the United States. It is impossible to keep up with the criticisms because there are so many."
Rep wants "world capital" in Istanbul - November 2, 2012
"Falk said choosing Istanbul as a world capital would be good because Turkey could provide the "satisfactions of a post-Western world civilisation.""
“Alger Hiss Day” - October 24, 2012
"October 24 is United Nations Day, or as Barbara Marx Hubbard calls it, “Global Oneness Day.” It has also been labeled “Alger Hiss Day,” in recognition of the Soviet spy and State Department official who played a major role in founding the world body. Don’t expect the major media to remind us of that fact..."
Hamas victory at UN Human Rights Council - June 25, 2012
"The Obama administration’s political and financial backing of the UN Human Rights Council resulted in another win for Hamas on Friday, June 22 in Geneva. A Hamas-affiliated organization and its supporters held an “informal parallel meeting” promoting the destruction of the Jewish state at the UN’s Palais des Nations. The event was advertised on the UN website and listed on an official UN document headlined “Human Rights Council, twentieth session, 18 June – 06 July 2012.”"
Goldstone repudiates Goldstone Report - April 1, 2011
"We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report. If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document."
UN passes 'defamation' resolution - December 22, 2010
"For the sixth consecutive year, the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday passed a controversial resolution on religious “defamation” sponsored by Islamic nations, but this time, the measure passed by a mere 12 votes."
The United (Muslim) Nations? - December 10, 2010
"The United Nations wants to criminalize religious heresy, provided that those making the claim are Islamists. Later this month, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on the nonbinding Defamation of Religions Resolution, which would give international sanction to the type of religious persecution commonplace in Muslim-majority countries."
UN torture expert points finger at U.S. - November 18, 2010
"The U.N. Human Rights Council’s newly installed expert on torture says the Obama administration should investigate allegations of torture under President George W. Bush and prosecute those responsible – including those who gave the orders."
U.S. gets 'Shellacking' over human rights - November 5, 2010
"This morning fifty-six countries lined-up for the opportunity to have at the U.S. representatives, many standing in line overnight a day ago in order to be near the top of the list. Making it to the head of the line were Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and North Korea."
UN council endorses anti-Israel report - September 29, 2010
"The U.N. Human Rights Council voted Wednesday to endorse the report of a U.N. fact-finding mission that accused Israeli commandos of summarily executing six passengers on a Turkish aid flotilla last May..."
Kofi Annan's holocaust problem - July 13, 2010
"In June, a shockingly disturbing article about Holocaust education appeared in The New York Times online and The International Herald Tribune and was written by Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations. Annan questions the value of teaching about the Holocaust in the first place and deletes the memory of the Jewish victims from the Holocaust -- not mentioning Jews one time."
Anti-Israel bias at HRC - June 9, 2010
"The diplomat chairing a U.N. Human Rights Council meeting Tuesday allowed a Syrian delegate to call Israel “a state built on hatred, discrimination, oppression and a paranoid feeling of superiority,” but a few minutes earlier scolded another speaker for referring to the Burmese “regime.”"
UNICEF supports Palestinian hate ad - March 22, 2010
"This advertisement is another example of the misuse of UN funding. An ad by a Palestinian youth organization, PYALARA, which is funded by UNICEF, shows an ax destroying a Star of David. The UNICEF logo is right on the ad."
UN security used to silence journalist - December 11, 2009
"A Stanford Professor has used United Nation security officers to silence a journalist asking him “inconvenient questions” during a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen. Professor Stephen Schneider’s assistant requested armed UN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him to stop filming and prevented further questioning after the press conference where the Stanford academic was launching a book."
U.N. proposal to restrict free speech - October 19, 2009
"A proposal sponsored by the Obama administration at the United Nations that purports to seek protection for "freedom of opinion and expression" actually is a call for a worldwide crackdown on freedom of speech and a mandate for nations to ensure "that relevant national legislation complies with … international human rights obligations" – a clear threat to the First Amendment, according to critics."
IAEA director says Israel is biggest threat - October 4, 2009
"Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohamed ElBaradei said Sunday that "Israel is number one threat to Middle East" with its nuclear arms, the official IRNA news agency reported."
U.N. Human Rights Council attacks Israel - September 30, 2009
"Israel was in the dock at the U.N. Human Rights Council Tuesday, as nation after nation praised as “balanced” and “objective” a report accusing the Jewish state of war crimes during its offensive against Hamas in Gaza last winter."
UN schools will not teach students about Holocaust - September 3, 2009
"The United Nations’ refugee agency for Palestinians does not intend to include the Holocaust in the curriculum at schools it runs in the Gaza Strip, a U.N. spokesman said following criticism by Hamas about the purported plan."
UNICEF ranks U.S. at bottom in child welfare - February 15, 2007
"The United States and Britain ranked at the bottom of a U.N. survey released Wednesday evaluating the well-being of children in wealthy countries."
Bungling & ineffective
Botched computer-system overhaul - December 6, 2011
"A state-of-the-art computer and software system that was touted as the "cornerstone” of a United Nations-wide effort to bring groundbreaking reform to its bloated and stodgy Secretariat is now officially one of the organization’s foremost technological failures. It is a humiliating black eye for Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who is identified as the driving force behind the $315 million -- if you believe official figures -- fiasco."
UN was source of Haiti cholera outbreak - December 8, 2010
"U.N. peacekeepers were responsible for a cholera outbreak in Haiti that has killed more than 2,000 people, a leaked report has claimed. There was poor sanitation and a lack of medical assistance at a U.N. base found to be the source of the deadly disease." [More here.]
Haiti cholera outbreak brought by UN? - November 4, 2010
"An outbreak of cholera has killed at least 442 people in Haiti over the last few weeks. Some public health experts are asking whether U.N. peacekeepers are responsible."
Happy 65th birthday to UN - October 29, 2010
"This week, 65 years ago, the United Nations officially came into existence. It has experienced ups and downs, but never has looked to be a greater a failure than it does today."
U.N. praises China human rights record - December 10, 2010
"Rights groups expressed outrage that the U.N. European Headquarters in Geneva today hosted a massive photo exhibit extolling China's human rights record and its alleged respect for Uyghurs, Tibetans and other minority groups, displayed next to the U.N. human rights office event marking international Human Rights Day."
Rights Commissioner skips Peace Prize - December 10, 2010
"UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay has made a mockery of her office by skipping today's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for laureate Liu Xiaobo. Pillay's office first said she couldn't be in Oslo because of a previous commitment, and insisted more recently that she wasn't actually invited. But she surely could have attended if she chose."
Canada boycotts UN anti-racism 'charade' - November 25, 2010
"Canada will be boycotting the latest in a series of United Nations anti-racism events, Citizenship and Immigration Ministers Jason Kenney told reporters on Thursday, because it is dominated by some of the world's worst human rights abusers and anti-Semitic governments."
Women’s Wrongs At The U.N. - November 17, 2010
"...Saudi Arabia now presides over U.N. Women. That country is not exactly famous for being an egalitarian Mecca (yes, pun intended) of women’s rights. In fact the gender-apartheid kingdom’s record is so bad it is difficult to find a place to begin to describe it."
Decision time at UNESCO - October 13, 2010
"This week, when the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) meets in Paris, the delegates will be hoping to avoid discussing the controversial "UNESCO-Obiang Nguema Mbasogo International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences." The prize is controversial because Obiang, the president of Equatorial Guinea, is thought to be one of the most corrupt dictators in Africa."
Applause for Ahmadinejad - September 23, 2010
"He was greeted by applause when he walked into the United Nations General Assembly, and applauded again, even after questioning 9/11 and claiming that the American government may have been behind the attack. That’s right, applauded after questioning the motivation for the terrorist attacks, who was responsible for them, and essentially suggesting they were a U.S. plot."
Libya elected to UN Human Rights Council - May 14, 2010
"Libya was elected overnight to the United Nations Human Rights Council despite numerous complaints that the country was unfit to serve on the international rights body."
U.N. criticizes Arizona law - May 11, 2010
"Arizona's new law on illegal immigration could violate international standards that are binding in the United States, six U.N. human rights experts said Tuesday."
U.N. elects Iran to commission on women's rights - April 29, 2010
"Without fanfare, the United Nations this week elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of Women, handing a four-year seat on the influential human rights body to a theocratic state in which stoning is enshrined in law and lashings are required for women judged "immodest.""
"Environmental ambassador" builds 20,000 sq. ft. home - April 25, 2010
"What kind of U.N. environmental ambassador builds a 20,000 square-foot home with a six-car garage, an elevator and a lagoon? Why, that would be the Hub’s favorite Pats fan, Gisele Bundchen!"
Senior official quits Amnesty International - April 22, 2010
"A senior official at Amnesty International quit the human rights group this month after raising an alarm over its ties to a former Guantanamo Bay detainee and what she describes as his pro-jihad group."
Hezbollah gets access to Security Council - December 2, 2009
"In October the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly voted for Lebanon to be the Asian bloc's new non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for a 2-year term. Earlier today the Lebanese Government endorsed Hezbollah's demand allowing it to keep its huge weapons arsenal... Critics worry that the Lebanese will essentially be sitting on the Security Council while ignoring Security Council resolutions that call for the disarming of armed militias, in other words Hezbollah."
U.N. investigating U.S. housing - October 23, 2009
"A United Nations investigator has opened a probe into the US housing crisis. Raquel Rolnik, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, will investigate issues including public housing, homelessness and foreclosures."
Arab book burner may head U.N. culture agency - September 21, 2009
"The Paris-based U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) lists promoting freedom of expression as a key mission, but Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni has for more than 20 years been part of a government which advocacy groups say violates free speech."
U.N. Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women - February 13, 2007
"The sweetest Valentine Republicans in the U.S. Senate could give to American women would be to announce that they will filibuster until Christmas if Senate Democrats try to ratify the offensive United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women."
North Korea put in charge of disarmament - June 28, 2011
"The Conference on Disarmament held a plenary meeting this morning in which the Democratic People's Republic of Korea assumed the presidency of the Conference and members bid farewell to the departing ambassadors from Canada and the United Kingdom."
UN Palestine expert condemned - January 25, 2011
"On the eve of a U.S. Congressional hearing into the U.N. Human Rights Council, the controversial body’s Palestine expert, Richard Falk, was “condemned” today by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his “preposterous” comments questioning whether the 9/11 terrorist attacks were orchestrated by the U.S. government."
Ambassador to outer space aliens - September 26, 2010
"THE United Nations was set today to appoint an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist to act as Earth?s first contact for any aliens that may come visiting."
Proposes planetary regulation of water & food - March 1, 2012
"An environmental report issued by an agency of the United Nations last month has some critics sounding the alarm, saying it is a clarion call for "global governance" over how the Earth is managed. The report, “21 Issues for the 21st Century,” from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Foresight Process, is the culmination of a two-year deliberative process..."
UN wants world tax on all financial transactions - February 3, 2012
"The United Nations wants a world tax imposed on all financial transactions to fund a global model of social services that will provide “needy people” with a basic income, free healthcare, education and housing. The drive is part of the UN’s mission to create a “social protection floor” under the auspices of the Commission on Social Development, which began this week in New York. The SPF will become the UN’s primary focus from 2015 onwards when the Millennium Development Goals project concludes."
UN wants to control gun ownership - June 7, 2011
"Under the guise of a proposed global “Small Arms Treaty” premised to fight “terrorism”, “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates” you can be quite certain that an even more insidious threat is being targeted – our Constitutional right for law-abiding citizens to own and bear arms."
UN mulls internet regulation options - December 17, 2010
"The United Nations is considering whether to set up an inter-governmental working group to harmonise global efforts by policy makers to regulate the internet."
UN calls for taxes to combat climate warning - November 6, 2010
"A top UN panel on Friday called for increased taxes on carbon emissions and international transport to raise 100 billion dollars a year to combat climate change."
UN wants new taxes - August 5, 2010
"British economist Nicholas Stern says a U.N. economic panel is discussing carbon taxes, add-ons to international air fares and a levy on cross-border money transfers as ways to raise $100 billion a year to fight climate change."
WHO moving ahead on Internet & other taxes - May 10, 2010
"The World Health Organization is moving full speed ahead with a controversial plan to impose billions of dollars in global consumer taxes on such things as Internet activity and everyday financial transactions like paying bills online — while its spending soars and its own financial house is in disarray."
WHO eyeing global tax on banking & internet - January 15, 2010
"The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering a plan to ask governments to impose a global consumer tax on such things as Internet activity or everyday financial transactions like paying bills online. Such a scheme could raise "tens of billions of dollars" on behalf of the United Nations' public health arm from a broad base of consumers..."
UN wants trillion dollars for swine flu - September 20, 2009
"The swine flu pandemic could kill millions and cause anarchy in the world's poorest nations unless £900m can be raised from rich countries to pay for vaccines and antiviral medicines, says a UN report..."
UN corruption site disappears from Google - February 18, 2008
"Since 2005, he's been focusing almost entirely on stories that deal with internal corruption inside the U.N., posting several stories online almost daily. He's been especially interested in the inner workings of what could be called the practical-applications arm of the international organization, the United Nations Development Programme. Many of Lee's stories were featured prominently whenever Web users looked for news about the U.N. using the powerful Google News search engine, a vital way for media outlets both large and small to get their articles read. But beginning Feb. 13, Google News users could no longer find new stories from the Inner City Press."
UN peacekeepers traded food for sex - September 1, 2011
"United Nations peacekeepers in Ivory Coast enticed underage girls in a poor part of the West African nation to exchange sex for food, according to a United States Embassy cable released by WikiLeaks."
UN funds stolen in Philippines - February 2, 2011
"Aside from P50 million in AFP funds that disappeared in a single day in 2002 during a series of transactions, $5 million from the United Nations remains unaccounted for, according to former government auditor Heidi Mendoza..." [More here.]
UN officials refusing financial disclosure - January 25, 2011
"On the UN's website for such disclosures, numerous Ban officials simply state “I have chosen to maintain the confidentiality of the information disclosed by me in order to comply with the Financial Disclosure Program.” This is not public disclosure of finances: it is its opposite."
As corruption hearings loom, Ban stonewalls - January 23, 2011
"Two days before hearings about problems in the UN of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in the US House of Representatives, Ban's spokespeople refused to answer basic questions about the case against the UN's lead investigator and Ban's admitted delays in reform."
War criminal gets cushy U.N. job - November 21, 2010
"A suspected war criminal who allegedly played a key role in the slaughter of 40,000 civilians in Sri Lanka has landed a cushy job at the United Nations -- with full diplomatic immunity. Human-rights groups are outraged that Shavendra Silva, 46, a top ex-military commander, was named Sri Lanka's deputy permanent UN representative in August, after which he moved to New York."
U.N.'s Haiti budget goes mostly to U.N. personnel - April 20, 2010
"The United Nations has quietly upped this year's peacekeeping budget for earthquake-shattered Haiti to $732.4 million, with two-thirds of that amount going for the salary, perks and upkeep of its own personnel, not residents of the devastated island."
Sex sting nets U.N. weapons inspector - January 14, 2010
"Scott Ritter of Delmar, N.Y., who served as chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991-98 and who was an outspoken critic of the second Bush administration in the run-up to the war in Iraq, is accused of contacting what turned out to be a Barrett Township police officer posing undercover as a teen girl."
UN will whitewash Climategate - December 4, 2009
"...the United Nations happens to be one of the most inefficient, corruption-riddled, unaccountable and untransparent entities on the face of the earth. It is hard to see how the UN is going to conduct this kind of inquiry with a straight face, let alone an ounce of credibility."
More U.N. corruption - October 21, 2008
"Already known as a pillar of corruption and mismanagement, the United Nations’ fraud-infested contract division is in trouble again for five new shady deals involving $20 million worth of contracts. A relatively new task force created to tackle the monumental task of cleaning up the U.N.’s procurement department, exposed the latest wrongdoing this week in its annual report to the U.N. General Assembly. Headed by a former U.S. federal prosecutor, the task force had previously uncovered more than $630 million in contracts tainted by fraud, corruption or mismanagement at the world body which annually received major U.S. tax dollars."
Yet another U.N. scandal - February 5, 2007
"UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has finally left the building, but what a terrible mess he left on the floor behind him... Now the Wall Street Journal (wsj) has one more cold shower for the departing Annan."
U.N. staff accused of raping children in Sudan - January 3, 2007
"Members of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in southern Sudan are facing allegations of raping and abusing children as young as 12, The Daily Telegraph reported today. The abuse allegedly began two years ago when the UN mission in southern Sudan (UNMIS) moved in to help rebuild the region after a 23-year civil war."
Bush hits U.N. corruption - September 15, 2005
"President Bush yesterday implored the United Nations to rid itself of corruption and scolded the global body for squandering the world's respect and making a mockery of human rights."
Oil-for-Food Panel Rebukes Annan, Cites Corruption - September 8, 2005
"A U.N.-appointed panel investigating corruption in prewar Iraq's oil-for-food program delivered a scathing rebuke of Secretary General Kofi Annan's management... and concluded that Kojo Annan took advantage of his father's position to profit from the system."
U.N.'s spreading bribery scandal: Russian ties - September 7, 2005
"How widespread is the corruption at the United Nations? The multibillion-dollar Iraq Oil-for-Food scandal was just the beginning. Now the issue is becoming the scale of corruption in the U.N.'s normal operations..."
Kofi Annan aide shredded thousands of documents - April 9, 2005
"The most significant finding in the Volcker Report is undoubtedly the revelation that Kofi Annan's then-Chief of Staff Iqbal Riza authorized the shredding between April and December 2004 of thousands of UN documents--the entire UN Chef de Cabinet chronological files for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999, many of which related to the oil-for-food program. Significantly, Kofi Annan announced the retirement of Riza on Jan. 15, 2005, exactly the same day that Riza notified the Volcker Committee that he had destroyed the documents."
U.N. forces – just a bunch of thugs? - February 15, 2005
"Didier Bourguet, a UN staffer in Congo and the Central African Republic, enjoyed the pleasures of 12-year-old girls, and as a result is now on trial in France. His lawyer has said he was part of a UN paedophile network that transcends national boundaries."
The U.N. sex scandal - January 3, 2005
"Last month a classified United Nations report prompted Secretary General Kofi Annan to admit that U.N. peacekeepers and staff have sexually abused or exploited war refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The worst of the 150 or so allegations of misconduct--some of them captured on videotape--include pedophilia, rape, and prostitution."
The UN: Corruption Junction - June 29, 2004
"The United Nations may indeed be the answer, as John Kerry and Ted Kennedy insist it is. But only if the question is ‘what is the most morally corrupt international organization in the world?’"
Comments on UN corruption in Somalia - February 26, 2001
"This latest UN corruption scandal in Nairobi brings to one's mind the cruel and immoral nature of this mammoth organization..."
A Miasma of Corruption - April 30, 1996
"The United Nations is under increasing attack by critics in the United States and other countries. At the heart of the organization's mounting problems is an almost total lack of accountability..."
U.N. wants reparations for African descendants - May 27, 2011
"Álvarez Casildo said the summit was expected to conclude with a “Declaration of the Decade of African Descendants and the creation of a new fund for Afro-descendant Development."
U.N. tells HIV-infected youth to enjoy sex - April 9, 2010
"In a guide for young people published by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the organization says it opposes laws that make it a crime for people not to tell sexual partners they have HIV. The IPPF's “Healthy, Happy and Hot” guide also tells young people who have the virus that they have a right to “fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.”"
U.N. distributes sex pamphlet to Girl Scouts - March 19, 2010
"A witness who attended the 54th session of United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women has unleashed a firestorm of controversy after reporting copies of Planned Parenthood's teen-sex promoting guide, "Healthy, Happy and Hot," were provided for Girl Scouts in attendance."
U.N. worried about transgender rights - October 20, 2009
"A report by U.N. Special Rapporteur Martin Scheinin that is awaiting approval by the United Nations General Assembly says that security measures taken to detect terrorists "risk unduly penalizing transgender persons whose personal appearance and data are subject to change.”"
The UN tells us how to teach kids about sex - June 2009
"Some organizations now promote sexual and reproductive health education as a right and argue that this is supported by specific conventions ... For example, the Center for Reproductive Rights (2008) argues that international human rights standards, as articulated by UN governing bodies and other international organizations, require that governments guarantee the rights of young people to health, life, education and non-discrimination, by making comprehensive sexuality education that is scientifically accurate, objective and free from prejudice and discrimination available to them in primary and secondary schools."
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America�s first experiment with communism
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Incorrect promises and noble lies
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Big lies
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12/29/17 - My how time flies...
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3/23/16 - Perhaps famed...
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3/22/16 - Welcome back JP!...
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10/9/15 - No Peace!!!
May Day
4/23/15 - Firstly...
Barack Obama—his background
12/16/14 - Just a heads-up...
Two-faced RINOs
12/09/14 - Would you please...
There are no words to describe my rage
5/26/14 - Barry did not fail...
5/24/14 - Yes, Obama has...
5/24/14 - Welcome to the...
5/24/14 - Well, JP...
5/24/14 - There is no...
Cirque du NBA
5/24/14 - Yes, exactly...
5/14/14 - Sterling may be...
5/13/14 - You have a...
Obama milestones
4/29/14 - Unfortunately JP...
4/27/14 - But bad as he is...
4/19/14 - It is a study...
4/18/14 - Each year...
About this website
4/13/14 - Just curious...
9/3/13 - Stop sending...
8/2/13 - Hi there!
RICO and the Democrat Party
3/29/14 - Yep. BTW...
3/28/14 - Hey - this is weird...
3/27/14 - Hurrah!
Breaking compacts
3/20/14 - Well done.
3/16/14 - Read your bible...
3/16/14 - It's said that...
You get what you pay for
3/13/14 - It would be good...
3/13/14 - I thanked...
1/4/14 - Let's not forget...
John Kerry and Global Warming consensus
3/13/14 - Talk about...
2/22/14 - The Obamunists...
Daily Dose 2/15/14
2/17/14 - This administration...
Daily Dose 2/9/14
2/9/14 - Looks like...
Daily Dose 2/8/14
2/9/14 - I think...
2/9/14 - Meanwhile...
2/9/14 - Interesting...
Big fat liars
2/9/14 - I think Christie's...
2/9/14 - Anyone with...
2/1/14 - Wouldn't it be...
Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and the big freeze out
2/8/14 - Perhaps it...
1/31/14 - Why does...
Daily Dose 2/2/14
2/3/14 - Here's the...
2/2/14 - Here's my...
Daily Dose 1/25/14
1/26/14 - Seems like...
Are liberals butt ugly or what?
1/26/14 - Hello, I was...
Watching Lone Survivor with a WWII infantryman
1/24/14 - Jim....what a...
1/24/14 - I love this! ...
1/23/14 - Jim, Your story...
Attrition of joy
1/18/14 - Headline...
The Barack Obama work ethic
1/11/14 - In my opinion...
1/11/14 - Just some facts...
1/11/14 - Considering what...
1/11/14 - Vacation as Usual...
1/11/14 - He's been lazy...
Disgust and despair: the Paul Ryan budget
12/24/13 - To me this...
12/17/13 - The nerd in me...
12/15/13 - WOW JP, how...
Losing World War II
12/11/13 - Bill Gates is...
12/7/13 - J.P.- this...
America�s first experiment with communism
11/26/13 - Happy Thanksgibbletting.
11/23/13 - What are you...
11/23/13 - Great article...
Oprah overplays the race card
11/23/13 - Oprah has...
8/17/13 - ...a rodeo...
Incorrect promises and noble lies
11/23/13 - Even if...
11/18/13 - I am a good...
11/16/13 - We may yet...
Big lies
10/21/13 - Totally disgusted...
10/20/13 - Hey, JP...
J.P. elsewhere
Favorite links
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- Gateway Pundit
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- Goldwater Institute
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- Hoover Institution
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- Imprimus
- Islam: Religion of Peace
- Jewish World Review
- Jihad Watch
- JunkScience.com
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- Media Research Center
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- Michael Yon
- National Review Online
- Nat'l Taxpayers Union
- NewsBusters.org
- The Other McCain
- Political Calculations
- The Real Cuba
- Robin of Berkeley
- Sister Toldjah
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- PolitiFact
- Presidential executive orders
- Sunlight Foundation
- Top 150 conservative websites
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- Smart Girl Politics
- FairTax.org
- SarahPAC

February Top Ten
Democrat Party Timeline of Ignominy
Website update!
Kerri Dunn and her vandalized car
The Nutty Muslim Professor
Kool Kids Klan KKK
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Miranda Prather and the Fist of God
Morton Downey's swastika
The Afghan Knife trilogy
Crooked Democrats