Where leftwing propaganda is disguised as entertainment
Propaganda examples
Propaganda examples
Meet the leftists who made Game Change - February 22, 2012
"Big Hollywood has learned that most of the key players involved in the making of the film are leftists who almost exclusively support Democratic candidates including, of course, Barack Obama." [More here.] [HBO's Palin pollution.]
Advertisers fleeing Muslim propaganda - November 22, 2011
"“All-American Muslim” a new program on The Learning Channel that is being touted as a “powerful series” that carries viewers “inside the rarely seen world of American Muslims,” is being dropped by advertisers. Critics say the program is nothing more than video jihad propaganda..."
TV executives admit liberal agenda - June 1, 2011
"Some of TV’s top executives from the past four decades may have gotten more than they bargained for when they agreed to be interviewed for a politically charged book that was released Tuesday, because video of their controversial remarks will soon be hitting the Internet. The book makes the case that TV industry executives, writers and producers use their clout to advance a liberal political agenda."
No songs about Stalin - November 29, 2010
"Why are there so many songs about what's wrong with this glorious America and NO songs about Stalin's murder of fifty million innocent people? Why are there no songs about the intentional starvation of the Ukraine and its people by the commissars, mass murder against the most beautiful people on the planet there in the Ukraine? Why were there so many songs against the U.S. attempt to save Vietnam from Communism, and not one song -- not ONE -- about the mass killings by Ho Chi Minh after 1954 or about the murder of thousands of innocents when the Communists briefly held Hue in the Tet Offensive?"
History Channel rewrites Middle East history - November 26, 2010
"How the History Channel in writing the history of the conflict, can leave out the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Resolution of 1920 giving all the land, including Jordan, to the Jews and the Palestine Mandate passed by the League of Nations in 1922 reaffirming the Balfour Declaration and the San Remo Resolution, is beyond me."
Gasland debunked - June 21, 2010
"Tonight, HBO premiered the documentary Gasland - a film about the impacts of natural gas drilling across the United States. Director/producer and Pennsylvania native Josh Fox has been touring the country showcasing the film and urging lawmakers to act. Unfortunately, the movie is filled with half-truths, inaccuracies, and occasionally outright lies (or as the Patriot News says, "Not everything in the film’s narration is precisely accurate.")" [More from Energy In Depth.]
The Mentalist: A Case Study - May 12, 2010
"And now you see what these right-hating denizens of Hollywood just did, don’t you? They took the sleazy, com man character and made him out as a close personal friend of Ronald Reagan! They’ve maligned Ronald Reagan as one who would keep company with a low-life con man."
Bones: Pushes for end to DADT - January 29, 2010
"The Jan. 28 episode of Fox’s forensics-based crime drama, “Bones,” centered on the murder of a gay man, and the writers took the opportunity to inject some standard talking points about the inequity of gays being unable to marry and the threat of physical violence from straight men."
NCIS: Christian bashing - December 30, 2009
"It turns out the Marine was murdered by his own brother in what I can only describe as an “Honor Killing.” The ‘Christian’ family was so embarrassed by the son’s conversion to Islam that the brother thought the only recourse he had was to kill him. Out of all the cultures in the globe where honor killing is a very serious problem, how many have happened in America within a Christian family? Oh yeah—NONE."
"This is why we need health-care reform" - November 17, 2009
"NBC’s “Law and Order” is in its 20th season. The economy is weak, so they have devolved to converting White House talking points into weekly shows. Last week, “Doped” was a farcical equivalent of “Damien Thorn meets Karen Silkwood.” Pharmaceutical companies and Doctors are worse than drug cartels. The killers in the previous week’s episode on such cartels were more sympathetic than the health professionals."
NCIS: Christian bashing - December 30, 2009
"It turns out the Marine was murdered by his own brother in what I can only describe as an “Honor Killing.” The ‘Christian’ family was so embarrassed by the son’s conversion to Islam that the brother thought the only recourse he had was to kill him. Out of all the cultures in the globe where honor killing is a very serious problem, how many have happened in America within a Christian family? Oh yeah—NONE."
Hollywood buys "Antichrist" - May 22, 2009
"The audience be damned? That sounds a lot like a snooty European auteur. But it's a sign of the times that he quickly found an American distributor for "Antichrist," IFC Films."
History Channel cancels Kennedy mini-series - January 9, 2011
"Pressure from the Kennedy family played a key role in the History channel's decision to pull the plug on its controversial miniseries The Kennedys."
Has ABC blacklisted 'Path to 9/11' forever? - November 9, 2010
"There was nothing wrong with the film and ABC knows it. In fact, the network planned on airing it annually in memory of the victims on 9/11. Unfortunately, political intimidation and censorship is still alive and well in America. It is our job to let Washington know they cannot censor us or decide what films we can and cannot watch. We must keep fighting to get The Path to 9/11 out of its locked state so people who want to see it can. It is important that we don’t give up and let the Clinton’s Stalinist fist have the final say in Hollywood."
James Cameron cancels debate with climate skeptics - August 24, 2010
"...as a human being, he is a despicable coward, a liar, a charlatan, and an unthinking lout."
Is Ron Howard Afraid of Offending Muslims? - May 15, 2009
"Ron Howard has managed to perfectly illustrate where Hollywood divides popcorn entertainment from the intolerable and the inflammatory. He has shrugged off the risk of insulting a billion Catholics. When it comes to Muslims, though, he has a very different policy: hands off."
Recent sexual abuse charges just tip of iceberg - December 5, 2011
"If a spate of recent allegations proves true, Hollywood may have a hideous epidemic on its hands. The past two weeks have brought three separate reports of alleged child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry."
Disney composer faces child porn charges - November 22, 2011
"A Grammy award-winning composer who wrote songs for Sesame Street and the Disney Channel has been charged in South Carolina with making and sending child pornography... Fernando Rivas, 59, has pleaded not guilty in Charleston to federal charges of production, transportation and possession of child pornography..."
"Paedophilia is Hollywood's biggest problem" - August 12, 2011
"Actor Corey Feldman has sensationally claimed that his Lost Boys co-star Corey Haim was the victim of a paedophile who was also a Hollywood mogul. The Lost Boys actor said he was 'literally surrounded' by paedophiles at the age of 14, but didn't realise 'until I was much older what they were and what they wanted.'"
More f-bombs for your I-Pod - February 11, 2011
"The world of pop music today is selling a far different message than what most parents realize. Traditional values, even the most simple expressions and symbols of common decency – the Muppets! – are deliberately being torn to shreds."
MTV's sordid 'Skins' - January 21, 2011
"...secular progressives at MTV have opened a new front. They feel one should enjoy a childhood stuffed with sex, drugs and alcoholism. That would be the message of their new teen drama "Skins.""
Hollywood normalizing sex with children - October 8, 2009
"The vocal, sanctimonious Free-Polanski uproar is merely a symptom of an entertainment culture infected with a moral cancer – a culture that regularly practices up on the screen what we’ve heard them preach this last week on behalf of a confessed child rapist."
French culture minister enjoys sex tourism - October 8, 2009
"France's culture minister is struggling to keep his job amid an uproar about a 2005 book in which he details Bangkok's brothels and the pleasure and freedom of paying "boys" for sex."
Porn industry has another HIV scandal - June 12, 2009
"Despite porn industry assurances that an adult film actress' recent positive HIV test is the first since a 2004 outbreak shut down production for a month, Los Angeles County health officials said Thursday that at least 16 additional unpublicized cases of HIV have been confirmed in adult film performers."
Letterman makes sexual jokes about 14-year-old - June 9, 2009
Watch the video of Letterman joking about the rape of Sarah Palin's 14-year-old daughter. Twice.
NPR activist lied about Chinese work conditions - March 17, 2012
"Mike Daisey lied about work conditions in contract manufacturing factories in China where iPhones and iPads are made. He lied on stage in a theatrical monologue (that itself was a bald rip-off of the medium invented by the late, great Spalding Gray.) He lied on public radio in a now-retracted episode of "This American Life." And his lies were picked up by The New York Times, The Associated Press, MSNBC and HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher", to name a few."
Only 10% of Kardashian auction to charity - January 13, 2012
"With an estimated $35million fortune, you might expect Kim Kardashian to be a little more generous. The reality TV star has been selling items from her personal collection for some years through her charity auction site on eBay. But while making a big play of her philanthropy under the banner 'Charity Auction Supporting the Dream Foundation', some may be surprised to learn that she only donates 10 per cent to the cause."
How copyright industries con Congress - January 3, 2012
"I’ve yet to encounter a technically clueful person who believes the Stop Online Piracy Act will actually do anything to meaningfully reduce—let alone “stop”—online piracy, and so I haven’t bothered writing much about the absurd numbers the bill’s supporters routinely bandy about in hopes of persuading lawmakers that SOPA will be an economic boon and create zillions of jobs."
Darth Vader still not getting paid - September 12, 2011
"Hugues Lamy points us to the news that the actor who played Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi is saying that Lucasfilm still isn't paying residuals, claiming that the film is still not profitable: ..."
Sicko banned in Cuba for dishonesty - December 21, 2010
""Cuba banned Michael Moore's 2007 documentary, Sicko, because it painted such a 'mythically' favourable picture of Cuba's healthcare system that the authorities feared it could lead to a "popular backlash", according to US diplomats in Havana. "The revelation, contained in a confidential US embassy cable released by WikiLeaks , is surprising, given that the film attempted to discredit the US healthcare system by highlighting what it claimed was the excellence of the Cuban system."
Dirty 'Game' - December 4, 2010
""Fair Game," based on books by Mr. Wilson and his wife, is full of distortions - not to mention outright inventions. To start with the most sensational: The movie portrays Ms. Plame as having cultivated a group of Iraqi scientists and arranged for them to leave the country, and it suggests that once her cover was blown, the operation was aborted and the scientists were abandoned. This is simply false." [More here.]
The lies of Sean Penn's 'Fair Game' - November 19, 2010
"The movie, highly entertaining but far from the "truth," not only intimates that Libby effectively was behind the leak of Ms. Wilson's name -- which is demonstrably false -- but also portrays him as masterminding a devious, sinister manipulation of evidence concerning Iraq's pursuit of nuclear weapons."
Tina Fey recycles Palin rape kit lie - November 11, 2010
"The rise of conservative women in politics, she said pointedly, is good for all women, “unless you don’t want to pay for your own rape kit...""
Tonight Show's crude trick on Bristol Palin - September 9, 2010
"...there’s little doubt... that the decision to book Louis C.K. and Bristol Palin — to have them sit next to each other on the “Tonight Show,” was an intentionally smug inside joke in order to allow a bunch of elitist show-biz and journo types to chuckle behind Bristol’s back as she was unknowingly humiliated on national television in front of all of Hollywood."
‘Machete’ producers lied about bloodbath - September 5, 2010
"...after viewing the film, it is clear that its producers lied about the extent of the film’s racial message, which includes vulgar atrocities, including the killing of a pregnant woman attempting to cross the border during one of the opening scenes. This deception about the film’s message could bring its tax incentives, worth millions in production costs, into question."
Thatcher's family 'appalled' at Streep film - July 17, 2010
"Sir Mark and Carol are appalled at what they have learnt about the film,” says a friend of the family. “They think it sounds like some Left-wing fantasy.""
Directors Guild honors "Path to 9/11" censor - January 29, 2010
"And how has this corporate self-sabotage and political favoritism affected Mr. Iger’s standing in the industry? Well, this Saturday night, the Directors Guild of America will honor him with their Honorary Life Member Award at the 62nd Annual DGA Awards."
"The Good Shepherd" entirely fictionlized - February 24, 2007
"...why mess with the truth when it is so much more dramatic than Hollywood invention?"
Gore's documentary violates Academy rules - February 22, 2007
"Documentaries that distort reality and shade the truth are insulated from criticism so long as they advance left-wing causes like global warming and gun control, said independent filmmaker Dan Gifford, a former Oscar nominee and Emmy Award winner."
Gwyneth Paltrow - December 6, 2006
"And the Oscar for Most Dishonest Performance By a Spoiled Expatriate American Actress Trying to Dig Herself Out of a Public Relations Hole goes to . . . Gwyneth Paltrow."
"Good Night And Good Luck" falsehoods - January 13, 2006
"Perhaps the most glaring distortion in the film is the failure to note that Murrow, a former director of the U.S. Information Agency, was motivated to go after McCarthy because one of Murrow's friends, Laurence Duggan, had been questioned about his communist ties and committed suicide as a result. ...it turned out that Duggan was a Soviet spy embedded in the U.S. State Department at the time."
Michael Moore lied about Bush's Saudi ties - July 1, 2004
"A central theme of Michael Moore’s controversial documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” is a bare allegation that Saudi Arabian interests provided $1.4 billion to firms connected to the family and friends of President George W. Bush. However, as a special Newsweek investigative report notes, there is really less – not more – than meets the eye re the dramatic Moore claim..."
Unfairenheit 9/11: Michael Moore's dishonesty - June 21, 2004
"To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability. To describe this film as a piece of crap would be to run the risk of a discourse that would never again rise above the excremental. To describe it as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness."
“Fair Game” gets foul reception - December 3, 2010
"Even liberals won’t show up at the box office for Sean Penn’s latest lunacy. Fair Game, Penn’s movie about poor, innocent Valerie Plame and the evil Bush administration, is a dog. A flop. A bomb. A stinkeroo. A total box office failure. The movie, which stars serial liberal wacko Penn and Naomi Watts, has rung up a paltry $4,393,000 in American ticket sales in 21 days of release. It’s worldwide take is just $9,349,628."
GLAAD complains about Glee - November 8, 2010
"You know gay and lesbian Americans are doing better than ever when the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) starts complaining about Glee. Yes, it’s come to that. What faux pas did Glee commit? Brace yourselves. The script for the show’s pre-Halloween episode, a tribute to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, referred to the famous cross-dressing character Frank-n-Furter (played by Tim Curry) as a “tranny.”"
Cusack wants 'Satanic Death Cult' - August 31, 2010
"Actor John Cusack went on a caustic Twitter rampage Sunday evening, attacking former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Fox News. “I AM FOR A SATANIC DEATH CULT CENTER AT FOX NEWS HQ AND OUTSIDE THE OFFICES ORDICK ARMEYAND NEWT GINGRICH-and all the GOP WELFARE FREAKS,” Cusack tweeted."
Critics pan 'Transformers' but public loves it - June 29, 2009
"Critics and mainstream crowds often disagree, but "Revenge of the Fallen" sets a new standard for the gulf between what reviewers and mass audiences like."
Alec “Tax the Rich” Baldwin investigated for tax evasion - January 27, 2011
"This week the New York Daily News gave us an insight to the real Alec Baldwin when it broke the story that he’s on the list of elite New Yorker City dwellers targeted by a small army of city auditors in a tax evasion scam for claiming out-of-city properties as primary residences."
Aaron Sorkin condemns Palin for hunting - December 9, 2010
"Seems that the intrepid Aaron Sorkin is something of an apostate when it comes to animal rights. Sorkin admits that he "eat[s] meat, chicken and fish, ha[s] shoes and furniture made of leather." Wow. Sorkin gets a point for being so politically incorrect. Must be scary for Sorkin to walk the red carpet at premieres knowing that some PETA loony with splash him with red paint." [More here.]
Wynton Marsalis' pro-Castro hypocrisy - October 15, 2010
"Within walking distance of where Wynton Marsalis and his Lincoln Center jazz luminaries hobnobbed with Castro officials at Havana's Teatro Mella, black political prisoners were being tortured for the crime of publicly quoting the works of Marin Luther King and the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights."
Hollywood bullies against bullying - October 8, 2010
"Larry King should have been asked: Given that Griffin regularly takes to the stage and television to viciously attack other people, is she really the kind of personality that can plausibly pose as the guardian of empathy and the role model for anti-bullying behavior?"
Tom Hanks jokes around with guy in blackface - March 20, 2012
"Our friends at the Daily Caller have obtained video of what Congress of Racial Equality national spokesperson Niger Innis has rightly called “an orchestrated, heinous, and racist ‘Stepin Fetchit’ routine that Mr. Hanks was a part of.”"
Jimmy Page visits Cuba - January 27, 2011
"Today the world's largest image of Jimmy Page’s souvenir icon adorns Cuba's headquarters for Cuba’s KGB-trained secret police, a gang of Communist sadists who jailed and tortured at a rate higher than Stalin's own KGB and GRU—and many of their victims were guilty of nothing worse than listening to music by Jimmy Page."
A Fatwa on Liam Neeson? - December 21, 2010
"Neeson told interviewers that Aslan should not be interpreted narrowly and exclusively as an allegory of Jesus Christ. Aslan might also be seen, Neeson said, as representing other religious leaders, such as Mohammed or Buddha. This is the reason that Hollywood so often is linked to the Looney Left!" [More here.] [And here.]
Jay-Z blames Reaganomics for drugs - November 17, 2010
"During that time, you know, all joking aside, you know, this whole Reaganomics, Iran-Contra, you know, all the drugs that influenced, I mean infiltrated our neighborhoods and was everywhere like you could smell the stench in the hallways. You know, it was just, we were overcome with this thing and it was fast money and, you know, it's inescapable."
Russell Simmons blames Christians for WTC? - August 19, 2010
"If you're blaming Muslims, then you need to change your mind. Did we blame Christians for the first World Trade attack?"
Oliver Stone: Hitler is victim of bad press - July 25, 2010
"Director Oliver Stone belittled the Holocaust during a shocking interview with the Sunday Times today, claiming that America's focus on the Jewish massacre was a product of the "Jewish domination of the media." The director also defended Hitler and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad..."
Woody Allen: Obama should be dictator - May 18, 2010
"The one-time-father-now-husband-of-his-daughter tells the Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia that the United States' Democratic Smoker-in-Chief could accomplish a whole lot more from his White House if he didn't have so many disorderly, annoying people objecting, distracting and criticizing him all the time... "It would be good... if (Obama) could be dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly," Allen is quoted as saying."
Oliver Stone loves Chavez - March 28, 2010
"American filmmaker Oliver Stone said Friday he deeply admires Hugo Chavez but suggested the Venezuelan president might consider talking a bit less on television. Promoting his new documentary "South of the Border" in Caracas, Stone heaped praise on Chavez, saying he is leading a movement for "social transformation" in Latin American."
Critics put off by truth - March 27, 2010
"In his movie The Lost City, about an upper middle-class Cuban family crumbling during free Havana’s last days, director and star Andy Garcia, along with fellow Cuban-exile screenwriter Guillermo Cabrera Infante, insist on depicting some historical truth about Cuba. This unforgivable gaffe blasted the bugles for a pile-on by critics. Their fantasies of pre-Castro Cuba, of Che, of Fidel, and of Cubans in general were badly jolted. Their annoyance and scorn spewed forth in review after review."
Angelina Jolie - October 18, 2006
"Hollywood actress and United Nations spokesmodel Angelina Jolie is wagging her finger at the West for its indifference to refugees."
Movie reviews
Watching Lone Survivor with a WWII infantryman - January 24, 2014
"Yesterday, I took my 94-year-old World War II veteran father to see Lone Survivor, the current big hit at America's movie theatres. I thought it would be interesting to give an old infantryman from a bygone era a glimpse of modern warfare and watch his reaction..."
The Butler didn't do it - August 24, 2013
"After taking Oprah Winfrey to task last week for spurious self-promoting charges of racism against some poor shop clerk in Switzerland, I decided to see the movie Oprah was trying to promote: The Butler. It's a movie about race, of course..."
Nasty Tonto and the sorry state of race relations in America - July 13, 2013
"When did white men become second class citizens? It's a good time to ask this question because the media-labeled "white Hispanic" George Zimmerman spent the last few weeks enduring a legal lynching down in Florida, and because Rasmussen recently announced poll results about who Americans consider racist, and because I just saw the new Lone Ranger movie."
Fast & Furiously stupid - June 1, 2013
"Two days ago I went to Fast & Furious 6, that's why Hollywood stupidity is on my mind. The toll on my brain cells was enormous. You'd think after five previous versions they would be running low on stupid but they seem to have an endless supply."
Batman vs. Jack Reacher - August 25, 2012
"Usually when I mention a movie like this, I immediately start trashing it, but this time... this time there was something even worse than Christian Bale rasping and growling his way through another Batman role: during the coming attractions they advertised a movie titled Jack Reacher."
The Grey - January 31, 2012
"I don’t know why I bother with Hollywood. I love movies, but the frustration is going to give me a stroke someday. If the unremitting leftwing propaganda isn’t bad enough, the adamant stupidity of the writers pounds the cork into the bottle."
The tortoise and The Eagle - February 26, 2011
"Unfortunately, the director of The Eagle, Kevin Macdonald, took stupidity to a whole new level. It’s like he went to stupid camp before he started the movie, then took a stupid pill shortly after filming began, and then spent so much time doing drugs that most of his brain cells died, leaving him short-handed."
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America�s first experiment with communism
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Incorrect promises and noble lies
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Big lies
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Two-faced RINOs
12/09/14 - Would you please...
There are no words to describe my rage
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5/24/14 - Yes, Obama has...
5/24/14 - Welcome to the...
5/24/14 - Well, JP...
5/24/14 - There is no...
Cirque du NBA
5/24/14 - Yes, exactly...
5/14/14 - Sterling may be...
5/13/14 - You have a...
Obama milestones
4/29/14 - Unfortunately JP...
4/27/14 - But bad as he is...
4/19/14 - It is a study...
4/18/14 - Each year...
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RICO and the Democrat Party
3/29/14 - Yep. BTW...
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3/27/14 - Hurrah!
Breaking compacts
3/20/14 - Well done.
3/16/14 - Read your bible...
3/16/14 - It's said that...
You get what you pay for
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3/13/14 - I thanked...
1/4/14 - Let's not forget...
John Kerry and Global Warming consensus
3/13/14 - Talk about...
2/22/14 - The Obamunists...
Daily Dose 2/15/14
2/17/14 - This administration...
Daily Dose 2/9/14
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Daily Dose 2/8/14
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2/9/14 - Meanwhile...
2/9/14 - Interesting...
Big fat liars
2/9/14 - I think Christie's...
2/9/14 - Anyone with...
2/1/14 - Wouldn't it be...
Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and the big freeze out
2/8/14 - Perhaps it...
1/31/14 - Why does...
Daily Dose 2/2/14
2/3/14 - Here's the...
2/2/14 - Here's my...
Daily Dose 1/25/14
1/26/14 - Seems like...
Are liberals butt ugly or what?
1/26/14 - Hello, I was...
Watching Lone Survivor with a WWII infantryman
1/24/14 - Jim....what a...
1/24/14 - I love this! ...
1/23/14 - Jim, Your story...
Attrition of joy
1/18/14 - Headline...
The Barack Obama work ethic
1/11/14 - In my opinion...
1/11/14 - Just some facts...
1/11/14 - Considering what...
1/11/14 - Vacation as Usual...
1/11/14 - He's been lazy...
Disgust and despair: the Paul Ryan budget
12/24/13 - To me this...
12/17/13 - The nerd in me...
12/15/13 - WOW JP, how...
Losing World War II
12/11/13 - Bill Gates is...
12/7/13 - J.P.- this...
America�s first experiment with communism
11/26/13 - Happy Thanksgibbletting.
11/23/13 - What are you...
11/23/13 - Great article...
Oprah overplays the race card
11/23/13 - Oprah has...
8/17/13 - ...a rodeo...
Incorrect promises and noble lies
11/23/13 - Even if...
11/18/13 - I am a good...
11/16/13 - We may yet...
Big lies
10/21/13 - Totally disgusted...
10/20/13 - Hey, JP...
J.P. elsewhere
Favorite links
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December Top Ten
Democrat Party Timeline of Ignominy
Website update!
Kerri Dunn and her vandalized car
The Nutty Muslim Professor
Kool Kids Klan KKK
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Miranda Prather and the Fist of God
Morton Downey's swastika
The Afghan Knife trilogy
Crooked Democrats