Obama's People
The questionable, the dubious, the downright bad, and the purely stupid
A - F G - M N - Z

A - F
Aponte, Maria Axelrod, David Ayers, Bill Bauer, Robert Becker, Craig Benjamin, Regina Berwick, Donald Biden, Joe Birnbaum, Liz Bloom, Ron Blumenthal, David Bolden, Charlie Bollinger, Lee Boyda, Nancy Brainard, Lael Brennan, John Brooks, Rosa Browner, Carol Carrión, Adolfo Chatigny, Robert Chu, Steven Clinton, Hillary Cole, James Collins, Francis Coven, Phyllis Crowley, P.J. Daschle, Tom Daskal, Jennifer Decheine, Robert DeParle, Nancy-Ann Donilon, Tom Duncan, Arne Dunn, Anita Emanuel, Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Feinberg, Ken Feldblum, Chai Fernandes, Julie
G - M
Gaspard, Patrick Geithner, Timothy Genachowski, Julius GENERAL INFORMATION Gensler, Gary Gruber, Jon Hamilton, David Hansell, David Harding, Robert Holder, Eric Holdren, John Hurtt, Harold Hussain, Rashad Jackson, Lisa Jarrett, Valerie Jennings, Kevin Johnsen, Dawn Johnsen, Kevin Jones, James Jones, Van Kagan, Elena Karl, Thomas Katyal, Neal King, Loretta Knox, Harry Koh, Harold LaHood, Ray Leiter, Michael Lew, Jack Liu, Goodwin Lloyd, Mark Locke, Gary Lubchenco, Jane Marshall, Capricia McConnell, Jack McLaughlin, Andrew Miller, Don Mills, Karen Modi, Kalpen Mogahed, Dalia Morton, John
N - Z
Napolitano, Janet Norris, Jackie Ogden, David O'Neill, Robert Orszag, Peter Patterson, Mark Perez, Thomas Perrelli, Thomas Pfeiffer, Dan Podesta, Tony Posner, Michael Pritzker, Penny Rattner, Steven Rogers, Desirée Romer, Christina Rosenbaum, Steven Salazar, Ken Sargeant, Winslow Scott, Ben Sebelius, Kathleen Sergant, Yosi Sherrod, Shirley Shinseki, Eric Shireman, Robert Simpson, Amanda Sims, Ron Solis, Hilda Sotomayor, Sonia Southers, Erroll Stein, Eric Stern, Andy Strickland, Tom Summers, Larry Sunstein, Cass Tchen, Tina Villafuerte, Stephanie Wallis, Jim Warren, Elizabeth Whitaker, Eric West, Tony Zoi, Cathy
Maria del Carmen Aponte
Ambassador to El Salvador
Recess appointment, radical - August 20, 2010
"Another controversial Obama recess appointment without Senate scrutiny. And one of those appointments has a suspect history..."
Aponte cohabitated with Cuban spy - December 2009
"Yes, she "cohabitated" with an agent of the Cuban spy service, DGI. Worse, DGI tried to recruit Aponte as an asset, and yet when the FBI came around to do a background check, Aponte refused to cooperate..."
Aponte has ties to Cuba - December 17, 2009
"President Obama's recent nominee for ambassador to El Salvador was forced to withdraw her nomination to another diplomatic post a decade ago following concerns about ties to Cuba, raising red flags as her name heads to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee once again for approval."
Aponte refused to cooperate with FBI - February 22, 1999
"When the FBI eventually questioned her about her involvement with Cuban intelligence, she reportedly refused to cooperate, saying that since she was not seeking a permanent White House position she was not subject to a background check."
David M. Axelrod
Senior Advisor to President Obama
Political advisers given cars & drivers - May 11, 2010
"President Obama has expanded the very small group of top aides who are given the privilege of taxpayer-funded personal drivers — who take them from their house to work and back home again each day — to include two top political advisers."
William Charles "Bill" Ayers
Obama campaign advisor, campaign contributor, and personal friend
Ayers denied academic honorific - September 24, 2010
"When retiring University of Illinois at Chicago professor Bill Ayers co-wrote a book in 1973, it was dedicated in part to Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. That came back to haunt Ayers when the U. of I. board, now chaired by Kennedy's son, considered his request for emeritus status Thursday. It was denied in a unanimous vote."
Robert Bauer
White House Counsel
New White House Counsel was defender of ACORN - December 3, 2009
"As President Barack Obama’s election attorney, Robert Bauer staunchly defended ACORN against political attacks, sought investigations of political opponents and pressed TV and radio stations to stop running ads critical of the Democratic nominee."
Harold Craig Becker
Member of National Labor Relations Board
Obama's big labor ethics loophole - August 18, 2010
"Everything you need to know about President Obama's fraudulent ethics pledge can be summed up in four words: SEIU lawyer Craig Becker."
Sidesteps ethical complaints - August 17, 2010
"An Obama attorney charged with overseeing labor disputes has resisted well-documented ethical complaints built around potential conflicts of interest with “pure sophistry” and misleading statements that call out for a larger investigation, a foundation opposed to forced unionization has argued."
Obama announces 15 recess appointments - March 27, 2010
"The 15 appointees to boards and agencies include the contentious choice of union lawyer Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board."
Nelson to oppose Becker for NLRB - February 8, 2010
"Nelson outlined his objections to Becker's nomination in a statement issued late Monday, stressing he felt the former AFL-CIO lawyer would "take an aggressive personal agenda to the NLRB, and that he would pursue a personal agenda there, rather than that of the Administration.”"
Becker lied to McCain - February 4, 2010
"President Obama's radical union-backed nominee to the National Labor Relations Board lied to a Senate confirmation panel earlier this week about his ties to the embattled leftist advocacy group ACORN."
Why you should worry about Craig Becker - February 3, 2010
"As the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Associate General Counsel, Becker has regularly advocated for inappropriate use of the NLRB’s power. In an instant of uncensored honesty, Mr. Becker wrote that employers should be barred from NLRB proceedings:"
Regina Marcia Benjamin
Surgeon General
Surgeon general pick wanted doctors to learn abortions - July 13, 2009
"In December 1996, Benjamin spoke in favor of a vote by the AMA's governing body to "urge medical schools to expand their curriculum" to teach "more about abortion." She supported teaching doctors to do abortions in an interview with the Associated Press."
Donald Mark Berwick
Administrator of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Berwick's death panel - November 16, 2010
"Are Medicare director Don Berwick and the Obama administration delaying or denying patients access to medical innovations?"
Refuses to answer senators' questions - September 24, 2010
"Donald Berwick... who President Barack Obama appointed administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) without a Senate confirmation hearing or vote, will not answer questions from the U.S. Senate, according to members of the committee that has overisght over his nomination." [More here.]
Anti-semitic activities - July 23, 2010
"Berwick began donating thousands of dollars to PHR in 2000 when the outfit was focusing most, if not all of its, investigations on Israel's treatment of terrorists during the Intifada."
Baucus joins GOP in blasting appointment - July 7, 2010
"Echoing Republicans, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) on Wednesday blasted the Obama administration for sidestepping Congress to install Donald Berwick atop the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)."
Obama's rationing man - May 13, 2010
"At issue is Obama's choice to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Donald Berwick, a Harvard professor with a self-professed love affair with Britain's socialized health care system. In his writings and speeches, Berwick has defended government rationing and advocated centralized budget caps on health care spending."
Berwick’s radical agenda - May 12, 2010
"Any health care funding plan that is just equitable civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional."
The fix is in - April 26, 2010
"Berwick will get control of the practice of medicine. Can he or anyone be trusted with such power?"
Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.
Vice President
For issues involving corruption, click here.
Biden invents and mangles history - September 22, 2008
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'look, here's what happened.'"
Biden says Hillary better V.P. than him - September 10, 2008
YouTube video of Biden saying Hillary Clinton might be a better vice president than him.
Biden to man in wheelchair: "stand up so I can see you" - September 9, 2008
Video of Biden during 2008 presidential campaign.
Joe Biden: Stupid, Arrogant, Dishonest - August 24, 2008
"Mr. Biden looked at his questioner and said: ‘’I think I have a much higher I.Q. than you do.’’"
Racist comment about immigrants from India - July 6, 2006
"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.""
Susan Elizabeth "Liz" Birnbaum
Former Director of the Minerals Management Service
Barack and the bureaucracy - June 22, 2010
"The new head of the MMS, Elizabeth Birnbaum, a convinced Green, put almost all of her efforts into the Massachusetts Cape Wind project. (What does wind power have to do with mineral resources? You've got me there.) In the meantime, the Bush reform effort stalled and ground to a halt."
MMS director resigns - May 28, 2010
"Ms. Birnbaum, who was director of the Minerals Management Service, is the first high-profile government official to resign in connection with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico."
Ron Bloom
Senior Counselor to the U.S. President for Manufacturing Policy
(Manufacturing Czar)
Socialist background of "car czar" - August 27, 2009
"Born in New York City and raised in Swarthmore, a suburb of Philadelphia, much of Bloom’s early life revolved around Habonim (now known as Habonim Dror), a progressive Labor Zionist youth movement that emphasizes cultural Judaism, socialism and social justice."
David Blumenthal
National Coordinator of Health-Information Technology
Deadly doctors - July 24, 2009
"He recommends slowing medical innovation to control health spending. Blumenthal has long advocated government health-spending controls, though he concedes they're "associated with longer waits" and "reduced availability of new and expensive treatments and devices.""
Charles Frank "Charlie" Bolden, Jr.
Administrator of NASA
What Muslim science? - July 10, 2010
"The Muslim world would be better served by a frank discussion of how so much of it came to be sunk in backwardness and ignorance, although NASA's administrator is not the natural person to lead it..."
Former NASA director says Muslim outreach wrong - July 6, 2010
"The former head of NASA on Tuesday described as "deeply flawed" the idea that the space exploration agency's priority should be outreach to Muslim countries..."
Next frontier better relations with Muslims? - July 5, 2010
"NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world."
Lee Carroll Bollinger
Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Mau-mauing the free press - August 3, 2010
"Bollinger writes, "American journalism is not just the product of the free market, but of a hybrid system of private enterprise and public support." It is?"
Nancy Boyda
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Obama Pentagon appointee protested against surge - July 21, 2009
"Former Democrat Rep. Nancy Boyda of Kansas was once so allergic to positive reports about the surge in Iraq that she walked out of a House hearing in a snit fit. Where is she now? Why, she’s at the Pentagon as a new assistant deputy secretary of defense!"
Boyda was an anti-war protestor - September 28, 2004
"The ad, which began airing Friday in the Topeka area, shows video footage of Boyda on a bus that was bound for a January 2003 anti-war protest in Washington, D.C. The rally was organized by a group called International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). The Ryun campaign says Boyda helped organize the bus trip. And it says ANSWER opposes the hunt for bin Laden, whose face was shown on the advertisement."
Lael Brainard
Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs
Another Obama nominee runs into tax problems - November 18, 2009
"Obama's nominee for undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs, Lael Brainard, is the fifth presidential nominee to reveal tax issues during the congressional vetting process."
John O. Brennan
Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
Says jihad is legitimate - May 27, 2010
"The president's top counterterrorism adviser on Wednesday called jihad a "legitimate tenet of Islam," arguing that the term "jihadists" should not be used to describe America's enemies."
Calls Jerusalem by Arabic name - May 19, 2010
YouTube video.
O's aide terror-fying - January 4, 2010
"And just when you thought "Big Sis" had easily retired the award for Biggest Turkey in the Global War on Terror, up steps John Brennan."
Obama chooses designer to review his own system - December 30, 2009
"Yet the individual Obama has chosen to lead the review, White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan, served for 35 years in the CIA, helped design the current watch list system and served as interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center, whose role is under review."
Rosa Brooks
Senior Advisor to Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Pentagon official blames U.S. for al-Qaida attacks - April 20, 2009
"She's referred to former President Bush as "our torturer in chief" and a "psychotic who need(s) treatment" while comparing Bush's arguments for waging a war on terrorism to Adolf Hitler's use of political propaganda. She's worked on behalf of George Soros' philanthropic foundation. Meet Rosa Brooks, the Obama administration's new adviser..."
Rosa Brooks: the Pentagon's new far left adviser - April 16, 2009
"In what has to be one of the most extreme appointments yet by the Obama Administration, ex-Los Angeles Times columnist and Georgetown law professor Rosa Brooks has just been made an adviser to Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Michelle Fluornoy – a move Brooks describes as “my personal government bailout.”"
Carol Martha Browner
Director of White House Office of Energy & Climate Change Policy
All the president's radical women - October 20, 2010
"We are in the era of Democratic Extreme Girls -- Big Nanny handmaidens who demand control of your children, your health care, your energy use, your pocketbook and your news. And that's just for starters."
Browner's conflict of interest - November 27, 2009
"She was on the board of one of the leading carbon offset trading companies, APX. That makes for one really big conflict of interest in her role guiding the administration’s efforts to regulate carbon dioxide and force emitters to buy CO2 ration-coupons."
Browner says Climategate changes nothing - November 25, 2009
"I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time and agree this problem is real."
Climate czar tells auto execs to put nothing in writing - July 8, 2009
"Carol Browner, former Clinton administration EPA head and current Obama White House climate czar, instructed auto industry execs "to put nothing in writing, ever" regarding secret negotiations she orchestrated regarding a deal to increase federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards."
The ethical problems of new energy "czar" - December 12, 2008
"On her last day in office, nearly eight years ago, Browner oversaw the destruction of agency computer files in brazen violation of a federal judge's order requiring the agency to preserve its records."
Adolfo Carrión, Jr.
Director of White House Office of Urban Affairs Policy
Adolfo Carrion comes back to NYC - May 4, 2010
"Former Bronx borough president Adolfo Carrion, who left city politics to become the first director of the White House Office of Urban Affairs, is coming home via another federal gig. Carrion will be leaving his current job to become the regional director of New York and New Jersey for HUD."
2 years later, Adolfo Carrion pays architect - April 25, 2009
"White House aide Adolfo Carrion has finally paid the architect who designed his home renovation, a transaction that's part of an expanding city probe."
Probe of Carrión widens - March 23, 2009
"The probe of White House urban czar Adolfo Carrión has widened to explore whether he received a significant discount on the renovation of his home, the Daily News has learned. The former Bronx borough president, who started last month as President Obama's director of urban policy, has acknowledged that he has not paid the architect, even though the work was done two years ago."
Carrión says he did nothing wrong - March 12, 2009
"His statement came after an official from the Bronx District Attorney's Office said prosecutors were investigating Carrión's hiring of an architect to design a porch and second-floor deck for his home on City Island while the same architect was working on a major housing project under review by Carrión's office."
Robert Neil Chatigny
Nominee to Second Circuit Court of Appeals
Worked for killer then presided as judge - June 23, 2010
"...Robert N. Chatigny, did legal work as a private defense attorney in 1992 for convicted serial killer Michael Ross and then, in 2005, as a federal district judge, led a proceeding that resulted in a delay in Ross’ execution. Chatigny says he forgot about the earlier work and should have recused himself from the matter."
Empathy for mass murderers? - May 27, 2010
"Any citizen who expects judges to bring the most heinous criminals to justice should be seriously concerned about this nomination."
Judicial activist - April 28, 2010
"Chatigny's record shows a disturbing willingness to pick sides. His record also shows a disturbing view of sexual sadism as a mental condition that excuses a defendant's criminal action."
Hearing delayed - March 10, 2010
"The Senate Judiciary Committee has postponed the hearing for a controversial Court of Appeals nominee after the panel received a letter from a home-state prosecutor blasting the candidate as a judicial loose cannon and after Republicans raised concerns about bias in favor of sex offenders."
Steven Chu
Secretary of Energy
Energy Secretary calls Americans "kids" - September 21, 2009
"Speaking on the sidelines of a smart grid conference in Washington, Dr. Chu said he didn’t think average folks had the know-how or will to to change their behavior enough to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. “The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act,” Dr. Chu said."
Jackson & Chu disagree - July 7, 2009
"Jackson confirmed an EPA analysis showing that unilateral U.S. action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would have no effect on climate. Moreover, when presented with an EPA chart depicting that outcome, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said he disagreed with EPA’s analysis."
Chu says paint roofs and roads white - May 28, 2009
"Energy Secretary Steven Chu stunned the audience at a London scientific conference Tuesday with a radical but simple proposal to combat global warming: Paint all the roofs of all the buildings in the world white." [More here.]
Chu calls himself silly - April 23, 2009
"Yesterday Energy Secretary Steven Chu testified before the House Committee on Energy Commerce. When pressed by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) on statements Chu made last year about the desirability of high gas prices, Chu admitted his ideas were “silly”."
Chu in "deep end of the pool" - February 20, 2009
"Chu, who is still without a deputy, said he feels "like I've been dumped into the deep end of the pool" on oil policy. The day before, reporters asked him about OPEC output levels after a speech to a group of utility regulators. He responded that the issue was "not in my domain."" [More here.]
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
For issues involving corruption, click here.
Caught at three A.M. with the secretary - December 3, 2010
"This woman has no business being in high office, whether elected or appointed. She is small and defined by her smallness. The only person who should call her at three o'clock in the morning is the Mayflower man to move her portfolio out of Foggy Bottom."
The gaffes of Hillary Clinton - November 16, 2009
"The hallmark of Hillary’s tenure as America’s top diplomat has hardly been robotic precision. It has instead been a curious propensity for public statements that require amendment, clarification, and implicit retraction..."
Francis Sellers Collins
Director of National Institutes of Health
Francis Collins and the overselling of evolution - August 15, 2009
"Collins has every right to endorse neo-Darwinian evolution if he wishes, but his view of evolution's value to scientific research is pretty much over-the-top. In a recent interview, he claimed: Trying to do biology without evolution would be like trying to do physics without mathematics. There is no doubt that modern neo-Darwinian theory has had an important influence on biology, but Collins' grandiose claim says more about the political nature of Darwin-advocacy than it does about evolution itself."
James M. Cole
Deputy U.S. Attorney General
Recess appointment makes Cole no. 2 AG - December 30, 2010
"Obama first nominated James Cole to the No. 2 Justice Department post in May. But Republican lawmakers blocked his confirmation in part because of questions about his role as an independent consultant for AIG before its near collapse and government bailout in 2008. Senate Republicans complained that confidentiality agreements prevented them from receiving answers about his work for the company."
Recess appointment 'absolutely shocking' - December 30, 2010
"Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), the incoming chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has angrily denounced President Obama’s recess appointment of James Cole as deputy attorney general. King called Cole’s appointment “absolutely shocking” and said it might be one of the worst appointments Obama will make during his presidency."
Phyllis Coven
Assistant Director of the ICE Office of Detention Policy and Planning
ICE agents vote 'no confidence' - August 4, 2010
"On June 11, 2010, the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council and its constituent local representatives from around the nation, acting on behalf of approximately 7,000 ICE officers and employees from the ICE Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), cast a unanimous “Vote of No Confidence” in the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), John Morton, and the Assistant Director of the ICE Office of Detention Policy and Planning, (ODPP), Phyllis Coven."
Philip “P.J.” Crowley
Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs
Another Obama administration radical? - May 24, 2010
"Considering the stakes in the fight against global Islamic terrorism, it can be argued that Mr. Crowley’s defeatist, blame-America, factually-shaky national security strategy dwarfs Michael Posner’s “Chinese apology” controversy in importance."
Admits he hasn't read Arizona legislation - May 18, 2010
YouTube video.
Jennifer Daskal
Counsel in National Security Division of Justice Department
Holder stonewalls on terror lawyers - February 23, 2010
"A number of lawyers who work on terrorist issues at the Justice Department represented terrorist detainees before joining the Obama administration."
"Gitmo" appointees - February 23, 2010
"The Justice Department's disclosure that nine of President Obama's appointees had either represented or advocated for Guantanamo detainees has touched off a firestorm of criticism."
A bleeding heart to fight terror? - July 17, 2009
"IF you were hiring a lawyer to help protect Americans from terrorists, you likely wouldn't choose a left-wing activist who's been a champion of the killers held at Guantanamo Bay. Then again, you're not President Obama."
Robert Decheine
Senior advisor to 2008 Obama presidential campaign
(Healthcare Czar)
Solicits sex from minor - November 24, 2010
"Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) fired his chief of staff Robert Decheine Tuesday after his arrest last week on a charge of soliciting sex from a minor. Forty-eight-year old Decheine, who was a senior adviser to Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, was arrested in Gaithersburg, Maryland last Friday during a police sting."
Nancy-Ann Min DeParle
Director of White House Office of Health Reform
(Healthcare Czar)
Repeats false claim about lower health costs - May 18, 2010
"White House health care czar Nancy-Anne Deparle repeated the claim that the health care reform law signed by President Obama will result in lower health care costs despite a well-known government report to the contrary."
Healthcare czar made millions from dirty firms - July 2, 2009
"Nancy-Ann DeParle, President Barack Obama’s health policy czar, served as a director of corporations that faced scores of federal investigations, whistleblower lawsuits and other regulatory actions, according to government records..."
Thomas E. Donilon
National Security Adviser
Why a Fannie Mae/Goldman Sachs lobbyist? - October 13, 2010
"Now that we’re in a post 9/11 environment we need a National Security Advisor who has a history of expertise with security issues to protect us against terrorists and not a lobbyist who has a history of running our economy into the ditch as Senior Vice President & General Counsel for Fannie Mae and a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs."
Clashed with military - October 8, 2010
"At a Pentagon briefing, Defense Secretary Robert Gates tried to play down suggestions of tensions with Donilon, after he was quoted as saying in a new book that Donilon would be a "disaster" as national security adviser."
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
Lobbied to protect Fannie - November 18, 2008
"A transition adviser to President-elect Barack Obama earned millions of dollars overseeing an office that led a lobbying effort to prevent increased oversight of mortgage giant Fannie Mae, the company at the heart of the ongoing turmoil in the nation's financial markets, public records show."
Oversaw Fannie's lobbying - November 17, 2008
"One of Obama's top transition team members, Thomas Donilon , oversaw an aggressive, backdoor lobbying campaign by mortgage giant Fannie Mae to undermine the credibility of a probe into the firm's accounting irregularities, according to a 2006 government report on the company."
Arne Duncan
Secretary of Education
Vows to make children 'Good Environmental Citizens' - September 23, 2010
"U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan vowed on Tuesday that his department would work to make American children into "good environmental citizens" through federally subsidized school programs beginning as early as kindergarten that teach children about climate change..."
Urged employees to attend Sharpton rally - August 30, 2010
"President Obama's top education official urged government employees to attend a rally that the Rev. Al Sharpton organized to counter a larger conservative event on the Mall."
Participates in partisan protest - August 19, 2010
"I may be wrong but isn't it kind of like, you know, news that a sitting cabinet secretary would participate in a rabidly partisan counter protest supporting administration policies?"
Duncan has no teaching experience - January 11, 2010
"U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who oversees a federal agency that spent $134.8 billion in fiscal 2009, tutored kids as a young student but has never professionally taught inside a classroom."
Anita Dunn
Former White House Communications Director
All the president's radical women - October 20, 2010
"We are in the era of Democratic Extreme Girls -- Big Nanny handmaidens who demand control of your children, your health care, your energy use, your pocketbook and your news. And that's just for starters."
WH Communications Director praises Mao - October 15, 2009
"“The guy responsible for more deaths than any other 20th Century leader is her favorite philosopher,” Glenn Beck raged. “How can that man be your favorite anything? He killed 70 million people. That would be like me saying to you, “Hah. You know who my favorite political philosopher is? Adolf Hitler. Have you read Mein Kampf?”"
Ezekiel "Zeke" Jonathan Emanuel
Special Advisor for Health Policy to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Advocates denying care to elderly & disabled - August 12, 2009
"Allocating medical care based on the subjective judgment of the value of a patient's life is contrary to Catholic teaching. The value of treatment to any given patient can be ethically evaluated, but every patient's life is of inestimable worth."
Deadly doctors - July 24, 2009
"Emanuel, however, believes that "communitarianism" should guide decisions on who gets care. He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens . . . An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.""
Rahm Israel Emanuel
White House Chief of Staff
For issues involving corruption, click here.
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
Rahm to meet with Spec. Olympics head - February 3, 2010
"It was reported that Emanuel told a liberal strategy session last August that liberals who were planning attack ads on conservative Democrats over health care were "F...ing retarded.""
Kenneth Feinberg
Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation (Pay Czar) and Administrator of the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Victim Compensation Fund
'Unpaid pay czar' got 6-figure salary - September 11, 2010
"Contrary to press reports that he would not be compensated, uncovered Treasury Department documents reveal President Obama's pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg, received a $120,830 annual salary."
Obama's plenipotentiary - June 17, 2010
"Ken Feinberg is still competent and capable, and he did a fine job allocating funds under the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. But he isn't a third party, and he is far from independent. Ken Feinberg is a pawn of the President and the Obama agenda."
Chai R. Feldblum
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission nominee
Securing liberty - May 4, 2010
"Consider this statement made by Chai Feldblum, recently appointed to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by President Obama:"
Doesn't want society to "tolerate private beliefs" - January 18, 2010
"Chai Feldblum, the Georgetown University law professor nominated by President Obama to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, has written that society should “not tolerate” any “private beliefs,” including religious beliefs, that may negatively affect homosexual “equality.”"
EEOC nominee endorses polygamy - September 30, 2009
"A law professor nominated by President Obama to become a commissioner for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was a signatory to a radical 2006 manifesto which endorsed polygamous households and argued traditional marriage should not be privileged “above all others.”"
Julie Fernandes
Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights
Scandal at Justice: enabling vote fraud - September 3, 2010
"...whistleblowing attorney J. Christian Adams told the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that top Justice Department official Julie Fernandes had openly refused to enforce laws that require states to remove ineligible names - dead people, felons, people who have moved - from voter rolls."
Patrick Gaspard
White House Political Affairs Director
Failed to disclose $40K payout - June 28, 2010
"President Barack Obama’s political director failed to disclose that he was slated to receive a nearly $40,000 payout from a large labor union while he was working in the White House."
Gaspard still on SEIU payroll in 2009 - April 13, 2010
"Gaspard left the SEIU to join the Obama campaign – which presumably was more than a full-time job – then became an upper-level staffer during the transition. But apparently all the while, he was still on the SEIU dime. And as he was making arrangements to occupy an office in the West Wing, he was still on the SEIU payroll. It causes one to wonder: who is Gaspard serving?"
Gaspard's socialist background - October 1, 2009
"This post looks at Gaspard's ties to the groups behind ACORN-the groups that helped President Obama during his Chicago days-Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist Party offshoot Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism."
WH political affairs director is ACORN man - September 28, 2009
"Newly discovered evidence shows the radical advocacy group ACORN has a man in the Obama White House. This power behind the throne is longtime ACORN operative Patrick Gaspard. He holds the title of White House political affairs director, the same title Karl Rove held in President Bush's White House. ...Gaspard was ACORN boss Bertha Lewis's political director in New York."
Timothy Franz Geithner
Secretary of the Treasury
Admits he "never had a real job" - April 25, 2010
Video of Geithner admitting he has never worked outside government.
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
Geithner’s Fed told AIG to limit disclosure - January 7, 2010
"The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then led by Timothy Geithner, told American International Group Inc. to withhold details from the public about the bailed-out insurer’s payments to banks during the depths of the financial crisis, e-mails between the company and its regulator show."
Geithner on 2009 list of 10 most corrupt politicians - December 2009
"Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its 2009 list of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.""
Geithner sold us down the river - December 1, 2009
"Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer says Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner sold us down the river — and started doing so years ago."
Treasury Secretary is "Secretary Loophole" - May 15, 2009
"From his time at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to his turbulent four months so far at Treasury, Geithner has made a career out of seeking—and usually finding—ways to do what most people thought the rules wouldn’t allow."
Treasury nominee's tax problems - January 14, 2009
"Timothy Geithner’s failure to pay self-employment taxes during the years he worked at the International Monetary Fund is causing some Republicans on Capitol Hill to ask serious questions about his actions. First among those questions is why he accepted payment from the IMF as restitution for taxes that he had not, in fact, paid."
Julius Genachowski
Federal Communications Commission Chairman
Boehner slams FCC for "takeover of Internet" - May 6, 2010
"Boehner accused the agency Thursday of pursuing a "government takeover of the Internet," just hours after FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski unveiled the plan, which would place broadband providers under some of the same rules that have long governed phone companies."
New federal push to regulate Internet - May 5, 2010
"In a move that will stoke a battle over the future of the Internet, the federal government plans to propose regulating broadband lines under decades-old rules designed for traditional phone networks."
General information
Obama administration appointments & nominations
Unaccountable Obama czars - July 27, 2010
"Barack Obama has appointed another czar from Chicago: the new Food Czar Sam Kass. Officially, he is labeled senior policy adviser for healthy food initiatives, but he's joining the list of more than 35 czars given broad and unaccountable power over our lives, habits and spending."
Ex-official accuses Justice Dept. of racial bias - July 6, 2010
"In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims."
Obama's Gulf oil spill commission - June 23, 2010
"Instead of an oil spill commission staffed with experts, as promised in his Oval Office address, the president has announced a panel with membership that reads like a Who's Who of radical environmentalism."
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
DoJ lousy with detainee lawyers? - March 1, 2010
"...while Holder and his staff continue to work hard to protect the identities of those attorneys who provided legal advice to suspected or convicted terrorists, several of the attorneys in question are believed to have been instrumental in the efforts of Human Rights Watch and CREW to leak to the media and Democrat supporters on Capitol Hill, the names of CIA interrogators of enemy combatants and suspected terrorists, as well as the locations of foreign-based U.S. secure holding facilities and various interrogation techniques used on terror suspects and enemy combatants."
A rogues gallery of Obama appointees - January 29, 2010
"I have wanted to see a comprehensive list of all the president's men and women, and now Liberty Counsel has done the work for us: [See the Liberty Counsel report.]"
Top Treasury posts remain vacant - October 15, 2009
"Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner is trying to lead the U.S. economy out of its doldrums with - figuratively - one arm tied behind his back: Almost nine months after the Obama administration took power, more than half of the 33 highest-level Treasury Department posts are still vacant."
Geithner aides made millions on Wall Street - October 14, 2009
"Obama administration officials now working on fixing and regulating the financial system were beneficiaries of several million dollars in pay from Wall Street and private equity companies, it has been revealed."
White House discloses 10 more ethics waivers - September 5, 2009
"Calling President Obama's Executive Order on Ethics for Executive Branch personnel "the strongest ethics standards in U.S. government history," White House counsel Norm Eisen on Friday announced 10 more waivers for Obama administration officials."
The real power in the Obama Administration - July 26, 2009
"If you can't beat 'em, czar 'em... the White House found the perfect cure for Obama Nominee Withdrawal Syndrome: Avoid future debacles by circumventing the nomination process altogether. So far, czars have been installed in at least 35 posts through presidential executive orders that require no Senate approval. No Senate review, no questions. No questions, no problems."
Czarist Amerika - July 16, 2009
YouTube video by Representative Jack Kingston.
Career diplomats protest Obama apppointments - July 10, 2009
"The White House, unaware of historic norms, had been on track to give more than the usual 30 percent of ambassadorial jobs to political appointees until objections from career diplomats forced it to reconsider..."
Obama giving ambassadorships to big donors - July 3, 2009
""We're not only insulting nations [that] we're appointing these bundlers to, we're risking U.S. diplomatic efforts in these key countries," said Craig Holman, a government-affairs lobbyist at watchdog group Public Citizen."
19 ambassador nominees Bundled $4.8 Million for Obama - June 19, 2009
"The 19 ambassadors that CRP has found in our campaign contribution database, along with their spouses and children, have given more than $98,200 to Obama personally, bundled at least $3.4 million for his 2008 presidential run and bundled another $1.4 million for his inauguration."
Gary Gensler
Chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
Reformer or wolf in sheep's clothing? - March 13, 2010
"When all is said and done it will be a year or more since Mr. Gensler's ascension that anything will have been accomplished, if at all, to rein in the distortions being promulgated on the commodity exchanges. In the meantime, billions are being transferred to oil interests from the pockets of American consumers..."
Jonathan Holmes "Jon" Gruber
Technical Assistant at Department of Health and Human Services
WH used Gruber to sell appearance of consensus - January 13, 2010
"Far more troubling, however, is the lack of disclosure on the part of the White House, the Senate, the DNC and other Democratic leaders who distributed Gruber's work and cited it as independent validation of their proposals, orchestrating the appearance of broad consensus when in fact it was all part of the same effort."
Gruber fails to disclose that he works for DHHS - January 8, 2010
"MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the leading academic defenders of health care reform, is taking heat for failing to disclose consistently that he was under contract with the Department of Health and Human Services while he was touting the Democrats' health proposals in the media."
David Frank Hamilton
Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals (Seventh Circuit)
Obama pushing radical for federal bench - November 12, 2009
"Hamilton has made many political enemies on the right, seeing that his politics are to the far left of the political spectrum. Oh yes, judges aren't supposed to be political, but this one has engaged in quite a bit of leftist activism."
Obama Nominates ACORN Activist to Appeals Court - November 5, 2009
"Senate Republicans are gearing up to block the appeals-court nomination of U.S. District Judge David Hamilton, whose resume includes a stint as a fundraiser for ACORN, the community-organizing group recently tripped up by a series of embarrassing undercover videos."
David A. Hansell
Acting Assistant Secretary of Administration for Children and Families at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Homosexual activist heads agency for children & families - August 12, 2010
"Conservative groups are expressing concern that David Hansell, an openly homosexual man and former AIDS activist, is currently serving as the acting head – the assistant secretary – of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)."
Robert A. Harding
Nominee to head Transportation Security Administration
Unanswered questions about TSA nominee - March 29, 2010
"Officials on Capitol Hill said they remained baffled Monday by the abrupt implosion of President Obama's second pick to oversee the nation's transportation security, and are wondering why the nomination was pulled before they could get a clear explanation about a questionable $100 million contract that went to retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Harding."
2nd pick for TSA chief is out - March 27, 2010
"President Barack Obama's second nominee for transportation security chief withdrew from consideration Friday because of questions over his background as a defense contractor."
TSA pick: Hire on 'ethnic diversity' - March 8, 2010
"President Obama's pick to head the Transportation Security Administration long has pushed for "ethnic diversity" as a determining factor in hiring new teams for U.S. military and intelligence agencies..."
Eric Himpton Holder, Jr.
U.S. Attorney General
Time for Holder to go - November 18, 2010
"Let’s face it. Barack Obama and Eric Holder gambled their entire national-security credibility on the Ahmed “Foopie” Ghailani trial... The failure of Holder’s DoJ to win anything more than a single conspiracy count against Ghailani as a result of using a process designed for domestic criminals than wartime enemies shows that the critics had it right all along. It also shows that both Obama and Holder have been proven spectacularly wrong..."
Holder puts felons over soldiers - July 28, 2010
"Obama Justice Department outrages never cease. The politically charged gang led by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is more interested in helping felons vote than in helping the military to vote."
Obama's Harry Daugherty - June 22, 2010
"Daugherty promptly turned the Justice Department into a political playground -- and wound up resigning in disgrace."
Obama's people kill Black Panther case - June 21, 2010
"...a clearer picture is finally emerging of what led to the dismissal of the case, the actions of DoJ political appointees, the department’s misrepresentations about the case, and the Obama administration’s approach to civil rights enforcement."
Holder's NY terror trial collapses - January 30, 2010
"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano must be relieved. Over the last few weeks, Attorney General Eric Holder has passed and lapped her in the race to be the most flagrantly incompetent Obama administration official in the War on Terror."
Holder on 2009 list of 10 most corrupt politicians - December 2009
"Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its 2009 list of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.""
Justice Dept. tells employees to ignore subpoena - December 16, 2009
"The Justice Department has told the federal attorneys who filed a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party for disrupting a Philadelphia polling place last year not to cooperate with an investigation of the incident by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights."
Holder greeted by protestors on Long Island - December 13, 2009
"Protesters came out in the rain to greet Attorney General Holder to Long Island today... Remember the FALN?"
Holder calls U.S. "a nation of cowards" - February 18, 2009
"The United States is "a nation of cowards" when it comes to race relations, the country's newly minted attorney general said today."
Details of Holder's lies about Marc Rich pardon - January 21, 2009
"Eric Holder’s intercession on behalf of fugitive Marc Rich is so inexplicable that he has always viewed ignorance as his best defense. It’s as though Holder believes that a deputy attorney general looks better for having remained studiously unaware of critical facts in a criminal case before throwing his weight around. But that’s Holder’s story, and he’s sticking to it: even if it turns out not to be true."
John P. Holdren
Director of White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
(Science Czar)
Wants to ‘De-Develop the United States’ - September 16, 2010
"In a video interview this week, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren told CNSNews.com that he would use the “free market economy” to implement the “massive campaign” he advocated along with Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich to “de-develop the United States.”"
Called for U.S. to surrender sovereignty - July 12, 2010
"White House science czar John Holdren has called for the U.S. to surrender sovereignty to a "planetary regime" armed with military power to enforce population limits upon nations and prevent perceived dangers from global eco-disasters..."
Tells students: U.S. can’t be number one forever - April 12, 2010
"The Obama administration’s top science and technology official, who has argued for the economic de-development of America, warned science students last Friday that the United States cannot expect to be “number one” forever."
Shocking communist connections - March 3, 2010
"John Holdren, President Obama's "science czar," served on the board of editors of a magazine whose personnel were accused of providing vital nuclear information that helped the Soviet Union build an atom bomb."
Holdren endorses involuntary sterilization - August 14, 2009
"Dr. Holdren, who is now President Obama’s top science advisor, explicitly endorsed the Indian government’s forced sterilization of millions of men ("There is too little time left to experiment further with educational programs...") and referred to logistical impediments to involuntary mass sterilizations of women as "unfortunate."" [Read about Simon-Ehrlich wager here.]
Science advisor is Obama's biggest radical - February 27, 2009
"...Holdren is a globalist who has endorsed "surrender of sovereignty" to "a comprehensive Planetary Regime" that would control all the world's resources, direct global redistribution of wealth, oversee the "de-development" of the West, control a World Army and taxation regime, and enforce world population limits. He has castigated the United States as "the meanest of wealthy countries," written a justification of compulsory abortion for American women, advocated drastically lowering the U.S. standard of living, and left the door open to trying global warming "deniers" for crimes against humanity." [Read about Simon-Ehrlich wager here.]
Harold L. Hurtt
Director of State and Local Coordination at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Houston officer's widow shocked by appointment - June 25, 2010
"The widow of a Houston police officer killed by an illegal immigrant was "shocked" to learn that the city's former police chief has landed a top immigration job with the Obama administration..." [More here.]
Who is Harold Hurtt? - March 2, 2010
"The Obama Administration wants to put an outspoken opponent of immigration enforcement in a position of immigration enforcement."
Rashad Hussain
U.S. representative to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Admits controversial statements - February 22, 2010
"President Obama’s envoy to the Islamic bloc acknowledged Friday that he was accurately quoted in 2004 as calling the treatment of activist Sami al-Arian, then facing trial for supporting a Palestinian terrorist group, an example of “politically motivated persecutions.”"
Who is Rashad Hussain? - February 18, 2010
"President Obama's appointment of Rashad Hussain, his deputy associate counsel, as special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations, charged with safeguarding and protecting "the interests of the Muslim world," should be of serious concern to Congress and the American public."
Lisa Perez Jackson
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Jackson & Chu disagree - July 7, 2009
"Jackson confirmed an EPA analysis showing that unilateral U.S. action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would have no effect on climate. Moreover, when presented with an EPA chart depicting that outcome, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said he disagreed with EPA’s analysis."
Valerie Bowman Jarrett
Senior Advisor for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs
All the president's radical women - October 20, 2010
"We are in the era of Democratic Extreme Girls -- Big Nanny handmaidens who demand control of your children, your health care, your energy use, your pocketbook and your news. And that's just for starters."
Political advisers given cars & drivers - May 11, 2010
"President Obama has expanded the very small group of top aides who are given the privilege of taxpayer-funded personal drivers — who take them from their house to work and back home again each day — to include two top political advisers."
Letters to the editor of Stanford Magazine - November/December 2009
"I located this information with a few mouse clicks. You could have done so as well. How far left has the Farm become? Is this cover an indication? Valerie Jarrett has no business being lauded by our magazine, despite her connection with Stanford and the current administration. Shame!"
Kevin Brett Jennings
Assistant Deputy Secretary for Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools
(Safe Schools Czar)
The "Fistgate" incident - December 7, 2009
"Students as young as 12 given graphic instruction in bizarre homosexual sex acts by state employees..."
Jennings promoting child porn in classrooms - December 4, 2009
"Out of curiosity to see exactly what kind of books Kevin Jennings and his organization think American students should be reading in school, our team chose a handful at random from the over 100 titles on GLSEN’s grades 7-12 list, and began reading through. What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless."
"Safe schools" official's connection to NAMBLA - September 30, 2009
"Surely, if you cared about your children, you wouldn’t want such a person in a position of influence or authority over their instruction or protection, yet the President of the United States named just such a person to protect the children of this country. Kevin Jennings is the Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools..."
"Safe schools" official expresses regret for incident - September 30, 2009
"A senior official of the Department of Education expressed regret today for an incident that happened when he was a young teacher in the late 1980s, saying he should have handled it differently..."
Dawn Elizabeth Johnsen
Nominee to head Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel
Withdraws from confirmation process - April 9, 2010
"President Barack Obama's nominee to head the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel has withdrawn her bid for confirmation, after several Republicans objected to her criticism of the Bush administration's terrorist interrogation policies."
Profile/Expose of Dawn Johnsen - undated
"Though the OLC post is, by definition, apolitical, Johnsen openly asserts her support for "the progressive agenda"..."
Obama's Dawn Johnsen appointment - January 26, 2010
"When not serving in government, Dawn Johnsen has spent her career promoting abortion-on-demand. She denies there is even such a thing as Partial-Birth Abortion."
Kevin Maurice Johnson
Mayor of Sacramento and Honoree by Corporation for National and Community Service
For issues involving corruption, click here.
Obama administration honors scumbag - June 9, 2010
"Only in the Obama administration would a public official sanctioned for a form of malfeasance be honored as a speaker by the same organization that sanctioned him."
James Logan Jones, Jr.
National Security Advisor
Apologizes for joke - April 26, 2010
"National Security Adviser James Jones apologized Monday for telling a joke last week that depicted a member of the Taliban getting tricked by a Jewish merchant..."
Tells joke about greedy Jews - April 25, 2010
Tells joke that borders on anti-Semitic, teaching the crowd that Jews are just greedy merchants in the same vein as Shakespeare's Shylock.
Anthony "Van" Jones
Former Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality
(Green Jobs Czar)
"Stop worrying about the deficit" - July 24, 2009
"While the federal government sinks deeper into debt than any time since World War II, former White House “green jobs” adviser Anthony Van Jones said it was time to stop worrying about budget deficits and pressure Washington to take more money from American businesses to fund larger social and infrastructure projects."
Communist/anarchist past of green jobs czar - July 10, 2009
"The administration’s “Green Jobs” czar, Van Jones, has a “very checkered past” deep-rooted in radical politics, including black nationalism, anarchism, and communism."
Jones calls Republicans assholes - February 11, 2009
"Well, the answer to that is, they're assholes!"
Jones accuses white people of poisoning minorities - January 2008
"The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities because they don’t have a racial justice frame."
Jones says only white kids shoot up schools - December 2, 2005
"You've never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never. They always say, 'We can't believe it happened here. We can't believe it's these suburban white kids.' It's only them. Now, a black kid might shoot another black kid. He's not going to shoot up the whole school."
Elena Kagan
Solicitor General of the United States and nominee to Supreme Court
C. Everett Koop calls Kagan "disgraceful" - July 23, 2010
"In an open letter delivered last week, former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop is urging senators to vote against Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court, in light of her role in the alteration of a medical statement about partial-birth abortion from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists."
Compared NRA to KKK - June 18, 2010
"...documents show Kagan as so hostile to the NRA and its advocacy for gun rights that she compared them at least once and perhaps twice to the KKK..."
Supported policy of reverse discrimination - June 11, 2010
"Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan resolutely supported “non-remedial affirmative action,” also known as reverse discrimination, when she served in the Clinton Justice Department..."
Papers reveal liberal social positions - June 3, 2010
"The documents, buried in Marshall's papers in the Library of Congress, show Kagan standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the liberal left, at a time when the Rehnquist Supreme Court was moving to the conservative right."
Kagan, Obama, and the Harvard legacy of fraud - May 13, 2010
"Velvel wanted to see Kagan fired. "So, in my view, Kagan too should go," he writes. The result of her complicity with a corrupt faculty leads Velvel to an inescapable conclusion..."
Kagan for government "redistribution of speech" - May 12, 2010
"Elena Kagan said the high court should be focused on ferreting out improper governmental motives when deciding First Amendment cases, arguing that the government’s reasons for restricting free speech were what mattered most and not necessarily the effect of those restrictions on speech."
Kagan worked for Goldman Sachs - April 27, 2010
"A top prospect for the Supreme Court was a paid member of an advisory panel for the embattled investment firm Goldman Sachs, federal financial disclosures show."
Thomas R. Karl
Director of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic Data Center
New climate head tried to suppress data - February 22, 2010
"The scientist who has been put in charge of the Commerce Department's new climate change office is coming under attack from both sides of the global warming debate over his handling of what they say is contradictory scientific data..."
Karl's dishonesty in interview - December 20, 2009
"This is a dishonest answer and Tom Karl knows it. The NASA data set and the CRU data sets are not independent of the NCDC data set."
Neal Kumar Katyal
Acting Solicitor General
Holder stonewalls on terror lawyers - February 23, 2010
"A number of lawyers who work on terrorist issues at the Justice Department represented terrorist detainees before joining the Obama administration."
"Gitmo" appointees - February 23, 2010
"The Justice Department's disclosure that nine of President Obama's appointees had either represented or advocated for Guantanamo detainees has touched off a firestorm of criticism."
Loretta King
Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights
"Most corrupt of all..." - June 25, 2010
"Most corrupt of all, the lawyers who ordered the dismissal - Loretta King, the Obama-appointed acting head of the Civil Rights Division, and Steve Rosenbaum - did not even read the internal Justice Department memorandums supporting the case and investigation."
Obama's people kill Black Panther case - June 21, 2010
"...a clearer picture is finally emerging of what led to the dismissal of the case, the actions of DoJ political appointees, the department’s misrepresentations about the case, and the Obama administration’s approach to civil rights enforcement."
King ordered original delay in Black Panther case - July 30, 2009
"Front-line lawyers were in the final stages of completing that work when they were unexpectedly told by their superiors in late April to seek a delay after a meeting between political appointees and career supervisors, according to federal records and interviews. The delay was ordered by then-acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King after she discussed with Mr. Perrelli concerns about the case..."
Harry Knox
Member of the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Knox bashed Catholic Church for years - February 17, 2010
"Harry Knox, who serves on President Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and who has said the Pope is “hurting people in the name of Jesus,” has a record of making anti-Catholic statements."
Catholics call on Obama to fire Knox - February 6, 2010
"In 2009, he made a statement that Pope Benedict XVI is “hurting people in the name of Jesus.”"
Coalition demands that Obama fire Knox - February 5, 2010
"House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) has joined Media Research Center President Brent Bozell, Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) and a coalition of Catholic leaders today in an open letter to the White House demanding that President Obama fire Harry Knox..."
Knox’s anti-Catholic bigotry - May 14, 2009
"Instances of Harry Knox’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry"
Harold Hongju Koh
Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State
Harold Koh's transnationalism - May 5, 2009
"In a series of posts on National Review Online's Bench Memos blog that earned prominent attention, EPPC President Ed Whelan exposed the radical transnationalist views of controversial State Department legal adviser nominee Harold Koh. Immediately below is the outline of the series, which is available in full here."
Critics decry Obama choice for State Dept. legal adviser - March 31, 2009
"Harold Koh, President Obama's pick to become one of the State Department's top lawyers, has ignited fury among critics who say his legal views are a threat to American democracy."
Raymond H. "Ray" LaHood
Secretary of Transportation
Red-faced LaHood admits "misstatement" - February 3, 2010
"Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood told owners on Wednesday to stop driving recalled vehicles, and then did a total 180."
LaHood connected to Daley machine - December 20, 2008
"Cellini, the Republican boss of Springfield who has been indicted in the Blagojevich scandal for allegedly shaking down the producer of the movie “Million Dollar Baby,” is a strong LaHood ally. Cellini runs Sangamon County, and LaHood has enjoyed Cellini’s political support."
Michael E. Leiter
Director of National Counterterrorism Center
Leiter on ski slopes during Christmas bomb crisis - January 6, 2010
"The top official in charge of analyzing terror threats did not cut short his ski vacation after the underwear bomber nearly blew up an airliner on Christmas Day..." [White House defends Leiter.]
Jacob "Jack" J. Lew
Director of Office of Management and Budget
Got $900,000 after Citigroup bailout - July 28, 2010
"President Obama's choice to be the government's chief budget officer received a bonus of more than $900,000 from Citigroup Inc. last year -- after the Wall Street firm for which he worked received a massive taxpayer bailout."
Goodwin Hon Liu
Nominee to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
117 ommissions from his application - April 6, 2010
"Senate Republicans on Tuesday slammed one of the Obama administration's most controversial judicial nominees for failing to initially disclose more than 100 of his speeches, publications and other background materials -- an omission the Republicans called unprecedented and a possible attempt to "hide his most controversial work.""
Meet Goodwin Liu - March 16, 2010
"...Liu appears to be a radical addition to the one appellate court that hardly needs another."
Says Constitution must adapt to world - March 4, 2010
"Applications of constitutional text and principles must be open to adaptation and change ... as the conditions and norms of our society become ever more distant from those of the Founding generation."
Mark Lloyd
FCC Diversity Czar
'Diversity czar' takes heat over various remarks - September 23, 2009
"President Obama's diversity czar at the Federal Communications Commission has spoken publicly of getting white media executives to "step down" in favor of minorities, prescribed policies to make liberal talk radio more successful, and described Hugo Chavez's rise to power in Venezuela "an incredible revolution.""
Lloyd extols Chavez takeover in Venezuela - August 28, 2009
"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies."
Lloyd inspired by Saul Alinsky - August 26, 2009
"In the book, Lloyd also said that... new regulatory fees should be used to fund eight new regional FCC offices. These offices would be responsible for monitoring political advertising and commentary, children’s educational programs, number of commercials, and content ratings of the programs."
Glenn Beck discusses Mark Lloyd - August 14, 2009
"He is trying to stop talk radio by crushing them with taxes (100% of budget),then give that tax money to public radio stations."
Report on talk radio co-written by Lloyd - June 21, 2007
"We recommend the following steps the FCC should take to ensure local needs are being met... Require radio broadcast licensees to regularly show that they are operating on behalf of the public interest and provide public documentation and viewing of how they are meeting these obligations."
Gary Faye Locke
Secretary of Commerce
Locke wants Americans to pay for Chinese emissions - July 17, 2009
"It’s important that those who consume the products being made all around the world to the benefit of America — and it’s our own consumption activity that’s causing the emission of greenhouse gases, then quite frankly Americans need to pay for that."
Locke is another Obama mispick - February 24, 2009
"Of course, there was that memory loss and all those "I don't recall . . . I don't remember" statements to Congressional investigators in 1999, probing his gubernatorial campaign fund-raising efforts; the astonishing $3.2 billion tax break he gave to Boeing while never disclosing he paid $715,000 to - and relied on the advice of - Boeing's own private consultant and outside auditor for advice; and those favors for his brother-in-law (who lived in the governor's mansion), including a tax break for his relative's company..."
Dr. Jane Lubchenco
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
All the president's radical women - October 20, 2010
"We are in the era of Democratic Extreme Girls -- Big Nanny handmaidens who demand control of your children, your health care, your energy use, your pocketbook and your news. And that's just for starters."
Capricia Penavic Marshall
State Department Chief of Protocol
Nominee for protocol post failed to file taxes - June 18, 2009
"President Obama’s choice as chief of protocol for the State Department, a position that carries the status of an ambassadorship, did not file tax returns for 2005 and 2006, errors she corrected last November."
John J. “Jack” McConnell
Nominee to U.S. District Court for Rhode Island
McConnell unqualified to sit on bench - May 26, 2010
"Since it was founded 12 years ago, the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (ILR) has never opposed anyone nominated for a federal district court judgeship. That changed this month, when the chamber joined with other business organizations in recommending to the Senate Judiciary Committee that it reject the nomination of John J. “Jack” McConnell..."
Andrew McLaughlin
White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer for the Office of Science & Technology Policy
White House violates lobbying pledge - June 25, 2010
"...maybe Google's cozy relationship with the White House -- exposed more clearly by e-mails recently made public through the Freedom of Information Act -- is just one more instance of the administration's actions contradicting Obama's reformer rhetoric about battling the special interests and freeing Washington from lobbyist influence."
McLaughlin slapped for Gmailing with Googlers - May 17, 2010
"The controversy that began in March with an accusatory report on the conservative clearinghouse BigGovernment.com has resulted in an official reprimand for Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer Andrew McLaughlin..."
Still lobbying for Google - April 20, 2010
"Now we’ve learned that McLaughlin may be actively advocating on his former employer’s behalf in his position as Deputy CTO — a big no-no for government employees who are required to abide by rigorous conflict of interest policies."
Privacy flaw snags another victim - March 30, 2010
"At least 28 of the folks Google Buzz pulled from McLaughlin’s Gmail contact list are employed by…Google! And, as you can see from the screenshots below (captured before he made his contact lists private) McLaughlin’s Gmail appears to include a “who’s who” of Google senior lobbyists and lawyers from across the globe..."
Donald Miller
Member of White House Task Force on Fatherhood and Healthy Families
White like lies - June 22, 2010
"The only problem with this story is that it isn’t true. Oddly, Don came back to visit that Christian camp just a few years ago. When he did, he was confronted with his very public and untruthful account his time at Summit Ministries. In response, Don just said it wasn’t a big deal. He fabricated the story just to make a point. He was confronted privately but was unrepentant..."
Karen Gordon Mills
Administrator of the Small Business Administration
Karen Mills and Obama's agenda - August 23, 2010
"It is no coincidence that President Obama has appointed wealthy venture capitalists Karen Mills and Winslow Sargeant to fill the top two spots at the Small Business Administration (SBA). Both Mills and Sargeant were major contributors to Obama’s campaign. They have also been vocal advocates of changes in federal policy that would allow federal small business contracts to be diverted to firms controlled by venture capitalists."
Kalpen Suresh Modi
Associate Director White House Office of Public Engagement
White House linked directly to NEA scandal - October 30, 2009
"...emails reveal that Modi worked with now-former NEA national communications director Yosif Sargant in planning the August 10 conference call that was first revealed by Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood.com web site. Participants in the conference call were encouraged to use their talents to generate public support for the Obama agenda in Congress."
Dalia Mogahed
White House Advisor on Muslim Affairs
Advisor on Muslim affairs defends Sharia Law - October 8, 2009
"President Barack Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, has provoked controversy by appearing on a British television show hosted by a member of an extremist group to talk about Sharia Law."
John Morton
Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Arizona sheriffs call Morton's visit a 'stunt' - August 10, 2010
"Two key sheriffs along the Arizona-Mexico border on Tuesday called a planned visit by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Assistant Secretary John Morton a "political stunt" and described as "pathetic" Obama administration attempts to "cover up its inaction in protecting our borders.""
ICE agents vote 'no confidence' - August 4, 2010
"On June 11, 2010, the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council and its constituent local representatives from around the nation, acting on behalf of approximately 7,000 ICE officers and employees from the ICE Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), cast a unanimous “Vote of No Confidence” in the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), John Morton, and the Assistant Director of the ICE Office of Detention Policy and Planning, (ODPP), Phyllis Coven."
Threatens to ignore Arizona illegals - May 21, 2010
"A top Department of Homeland Security official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities."
Janet Napolitano
Secretary of Homeland Security
"The system did NOT work" - December 28, 2009
Video of Napolitano - one day later - admitting that the system didn't work.
"The system worked" - December 27, 2009
"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday that the thwarting of the attempt to blow up an Amsterdam-Detroit airline flight Christmas Day demonstrated that "the system worked.""
"Crossing the border illegally is not a crime" - April 19, 2009
"And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well." [See the actual law which says crossing the border illegally is a crime HERE]
Terrorism is a "man-caused disaster" - March 17, 2009
"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has an explanation about why she never mentioned the word "terrorism" during her first testimony on Capitol Hill."
Jackie Norris
Former Chief of Staff for First Lady Michelle Obama
First Lady link to IG firing - December 14, 2009
"According to Republican investigators, Alan Solomont, then the chairman of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which oversees AmeriCorps, had denied meeting with Jackie Norris, at the time the First Lady's chief of staff. But recently-released White House visitor logs show that Solomont met with Norris on June 9 of this year (as well as on two earlier occasions)."
David William Ogden
Deputy Attorney General
Ogden linked to Black Panther decision - December 14, 2009
"The commission... confidently asserts that the second-ranking member of the Justice Department, Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden, took part in the decision..."
Ogden leaving Justice Department - December 4, 2009
"The Justice Department's second in command announced Thursday that he will step down from one of the most critical law enforcement posts in the nation after less than a year of service..."
Ogden made his living representing porn industry - February 4, 2009
"Senators might want to hold David Ogden's confirmation hearing after the kids go to bed. That's because the man in line to become No. 2 at the nation's top law enforcement agency was once a strident defender of Playboy and other purveyors of nudity."
Robert E. O'Neill
U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida
"There are hypocrites and there are monsters" - September 26, 2010
"O’Neill is the prosecutor who lied on the US Attorney application he submitted to the Florida Federal Judicial Nominating Commission. In an apparent effort to minimize a District of Columbia Office of Bar Counsel investigation of his conduct in US v. Dean, O’Neill attributed the initiation of the investigation to a complaint filed by the defendant. In fact, the investigation was self-initiated by Bar Counsel after reading a court of appeals opinion “deplor[ing]” O’Neill’s conduct."
A nomination that should be scrutinized - July 4, 2010
"I wrote here about the prosecution of Deborah Gore Dean, an official in the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Reagan administration. In my post, I cited allegations by my friend Jim Scanlan of misconduct in the prosecution of that case by the Independent Counsel, Arlin Adams, and members of his staff. Last month, President Obama nominated one of those staff members, Robert O'Neill, to be U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida. Jim tells me that O'Neill, in fact, was lead counsel at the trial." [Part 2 of this expose can be found here.]
O’Neill's prosecutorial misconduct - April 30, 2009
"...the trial court repeatedly lamented the near impossibility of evaluating the cumulative effect of the prosecutorial abuses the court had identified and specifically noted that O’Neill had acted in a manner the court would not have expected from any Assistant United States Attorney who had ever appeared before it."
Peter Richard Orszag
Director of Office of Management and Budget
Orszag ditched pregnant girlfriend for ABC News gal - January 6, 2009
"President Obama’s budget guru has a secret love child — with the woman he jilted before hooking up with his hot new fiance, The Post has learned."
Mark Patterson
Treasury Department Chief of Staff
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
Ethics order affects aide to Geithner - January 28, 2009
"The new chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was a top lobbyist for Goldman Sachs Group Inc. until last year, and will have to recuse himself from some government duties under new White House ethics rules."
Thomas Edward Perez
Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division of Department of Justice
Zealot heading up DOJ's Civil Rights Division - August 6, 2010
"Has anyone ever heard of Tomas de Torquemada, the fanatical leader of the Spanish Inquisition ? Well...he is back. He has been re-incarnated as Thomas Perez, the head of the Civil Rights Division in the Obama-Holder Department of Justice. Not surprisingly, he is a zealot who is stretching the responsibilities of the office to the breaking point."
False claims about Black Panther case - June 25, 2010
"The assistant attorney general for civil rights, Tom Perez, has testified repeatedly that the "facts and law" did not support this case. That claim is false. If the actions in Philadelphia do not constitute voter intimidation, it is hard to imagine what would, short of an actual outbreak of violence at the polls."
Obama's people kill Black Panther case - June 21, 2010
"...a clearer picture is finally emerging of what led to the dismissal of the case, the actions of DoJ political appointees, the department’s misrepresentations about the case, and the Obama administration’s approach to civil rights enforcement."
Thomas John Perrelli
Associate Attorney General
Obama's people kill Black Panther case - June 21, 2010
"...a clearer picture is finally emerging of what led to the dismissal of the case, the actions of DoJ political appointees, the department’s misrepresentations about the case, and the Obama administration’s approach to civil rights enforcement."
Perrelli okayed original delay in Black Panther case - July 30, 2009
"Front-line lawyers were in the final stages of completing that work when they were unexpectedly told by their superiors in late April to seek a delay after a meeting between political appointees and career supervisors, according to federal records and interviews. The delay was ordered by then-acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King after she discussed with Mr. Perrelli concerns about the case..."
Daniel Pfeiffer
White House Communications Director
New communications director echoes old - January 19, 2010
"During a Monday video interview with the New York Times’ The Caucus blog, the new White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer, joined his predecessor Anita Dunn in declaring that Fox News Channel is not a news organization:"
Tony Podesta
Head of Obama's 2008 transition team
What people pay him $1,000 an hour to do - June 22, 2010
"Podesta and his wife Heather aren’t just any lobbyists. Tony’s brother John — who now heads the liberal think tank Center for American Progress — led Obama’s transition team and has been dubbed the “shadow president” because of his close ties to the White House."
Michael H. Posner
Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Why is he apologizing to China? - May 17, 2010
"Question: Who the hell is Michael Posner, and why the hell is he apologizing to China?!"
Penny Sue Pritzker
National finance chair of Obama presidential campaign
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
Withdraws from cabinet consideration - November 20, 2008
"...some of her vast business dealings – her family’s financial empire includes the Hyatt hotel chain and many other ventures — seemed likely to raise obstacles to any confirmation process. Among other things, she helped run and oversee an Illinois bank involved in turning subprime loans into securities. The bank collapsed after regulators discovered accounting irregularities."
Obama fund-raiser had ties to failed bank - July 21, 2008
"Superior was seized in 2001 and later closed by federal regulators. Government investigators and consumer advocates have contended that Superior engaged in unsound financial activities and predatory lending practices. Ms. Pritzker, a longtime friend and supporter of Sen. Obama, served for a time as Superior's chairman, and later sat on the board of its holding company."
Breaking the bank - November 8, 2002
"The Superior story has a familiar ring. Using a variety of shell companies and complex financial gimmicks, Superior’s managers and owners exaggerated the profits and financial soundness of the bank. While the company actually lost money throughout most of the ’90s, publicly it appeared to be growing remarkably fast and making unusually large profits. Under that cover, the floundering enterprise paid its owners huge dividends and provided them favorable loans and other financial deals deemed illegal by federal investigators."
Steven Lawrence Rattner
Car Czar
(February 2009 - July 2010)
Fined $10 million by New York AG - December 30, 2010
"Quadrangle investment group founding partner and former Obama "auto czar" Steven Rattner agreed Thursday to pay a $10 million fine in a settlement with the New York attorney general's office over a pension fund scheme."
Fined $6.2 million by SEC - November 19, 2010
"Former White House auto czar Steven Rattner agreed Thursday to pay a $6.2 million fine that settles a federal kickback investigation. But he defiantly vowed to fight efforts by New York state to ban him from working in the securities industry." [More here.]
Rattner implicated in New York pension scandal - April 17, 2009
"Quadrangle Group has been accused by the SEC of paying state officials for the right to manage massive state pension funds. Quadrangle was founded by Obama's new car czar, Steven Rattner, who is implicated in the complaint as an unnamed executive who set up the deals."
Desirée Glapion Rogers
White House Social Secretary
Rogers resigns - February 26, 2010
"White House social secretary Desiree Rogers will leave her post next month, according to the White House, months after she drew criticism for a major security breach at a state dinner in November."
Rogers admits allowing gate crashers - December 5, 2009
"President Obama's social secretary quipped that she regularly let event crashers into White House gatherings -- months before two reality-TV wannabes waltzed into last week's state dinner."
Rogers fired guest-list chief in June - November 29, 2009
"The White House staff member whose job was to supervise the guest list for state dinners and clear invitees into the events says she was stripped of most of her responsibilities earlier this year, prompting her to resign last June."
Rogers admits nobody was stationed at checkpoint - November 27, 2009
"During President George W. Bush's administration, it was standard procedure to have someone from the White House social office at the gate for state dinners and other events with large groups of visitors, according to a former senior Bush aide..."
White House gatecrashers - November 27, 2009
"The couple, both in their 40s, showed up about halfway through the guest arrivals on a wet and blustery night. A Marine announced their names and they swept past photographersstopping several times to pose for pictures."
Christina Duckworth Romer
Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers
Romer contradicts Summers on MSNBC - December 13, 2009
"Asked by moderator David Gregory if the recession were over, Romer shot back: "Of course not. For the people on Main Street and throughout this country, they are still suffering, the unemployment rate is still 10 percent." However, on 'This Week' Sunday morning, Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council, said, "Today, everybody agrees that the recession is over, and the question is what the pace of the expansion is going to be.""
Steven H. Rosenbaum
Chief of Housing and Civil Enforcement Section in Civil Rights Division of Department of Justice
"Most corrupt of all..." - June 25, 2010
"Most corrupt of all, the lawyers who ordered the dismissal - Loretta King, the Obama-appointed acting head of the Civil Rights Division, and Steve Rosenbaum - did not even read the internal Justice Department memorandums supporting the case and investigation."
Obama's people kill Black Panther case - June 21, 2010
"...a clearer picture is finally emerging of what led to the dismissal of the case, the actions of DoJ political appointees, the department’s misrepresentations about the case, and the Obama administration’s approach to civil rights enforcement."
Kenneth Lee "Ken" Salazar
Secretary of the Interior
Barack and the bureaucracy - June 22, 2010
"The overriding goal of the new administration was to carry out some kind of dreamworld Green revolution. The newly appointed Interior secretary, Ken Salazar, was to act as standard-bearer. His first policy order of March 11, 2009, stated that "facilitating the production, development, and delivery of renewable energy [are] top priorities for the Department.""
Winslow Sargeant
Chief Counsel of Advocacy for the Small Business Administration
Winslow Sargeant and Obama's agenda - August 23, 2010
"It is no coincidence that President Obama has appointed wealthy venture capitalists Karen Mills and Winslow Sargeant to fill the top two spots at the Small Business Administration (SBA). Both Mills and Sargeant were major contributors to Obama’s campaign. They have also been vocal advocates of changes in federal policy that would allow federal small business contracts to be diverted to firms controlled by venture capitalists."
Ben Scott
State Department policy advisor for innovation
Previous testimony before Congress - May 29, 2010
"The odd part is just how bold the "truth asserted" was. Namely, it was a naked warning of sorts - i.e., if Congress doesn't pass Net Neutrality mandates into law, brute majority force will be used to do so instead."
Marxist joins Obama team - May 28, 2010
"The policy director at a George Soros-funded, Marxist-founded organization calling itself Free Press has just taken a key State Department position... Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott has been named a policy adviser for innovation at the State Department."
Kathleen Gilligan Sebelius
21st Secretary of Health and Human Services
All the president's radical women - October 20, 2010
"We are in the era of Democratic Extreme Girls -- Big Nanny handmaidens who demand control of your children, your health care, your energy use, your pocketbook and your news. And that's just for starters."
Threatens insurers for speaking out - September 10, 2010
"President Barack Obama’s top health official on Thursday warned the insurance industry that the administration won’t tolerate blaming premium hikes on the new health overhaul law... “Simply stated, we will not stand idly by as insurers blame their premium hikes and increased profits on the requirement that they provide consumers with basic protections,” Sebelius said."
Yosi Sergant
Former NEA Communications Director
Blames White House & right-wing media - February 11, 2010
"In his first interview since resigning from the National Endowment for the Arts, Yosi Sergant blames both the White House and right-wing media for the NEA Propaganda Scandal, as the controversial August 10th conference call has come to be known."
White House linked directly to NEA scandal - October 30, 2009
"...emails reveal that Modi worked with now-former NEA national communications director Yosif Sargant in planning the August 10 conference call that was first revealed by Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood.com web site. Participants in the conference call were encouraged to use their talents to generate public support for the Obama agenda in Congress."
Tape & transript of NEA conference call - September 21, 2009
"On August 10th, the National Endowment for the Arts, the White House Office of Public Engagement, and the Corporation for National and Community Service hosted a conference call with a handpicked arts group. This arts group played a key role in Obama’s arts effort during his election campaign, as declared by the organizers of the call, and many on the call played a role in the now famous Obama Hope poster. Much of the talk on the conference call was a build up to what the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) was specifically asking of this group."
Sergant demoted at NEA - September 10, 2009
"The communications director for the National Endowment for the Arts is no longer in his job amid a flap over suggestions he suggested artists work to further President Obama's legislative agenda."
Shirley Sherrod
Former USDA State Director of Rural Development (Georgia) Shirley Sherrod
The article & video that made her famous - July 19, 2010
"In this piece you will see video evidence of racism coming from a federal appointee and NAACP award recipient..."
Eric Ken Shinseki
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
VA head blasts administration over HIV incident - July 5, 2010
"Filner criticized the administration for taking more than three months to send out the letters after it discovered the faulty safety precautions in March... He said it was “disgraceful” that Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki did not know about the lapse until last week."
Robert M. Shireman
Deputy Under Secretary of Education
Shireman to step down - May 17, 2010
"Robert M. Shireman, who led the effort to end the bank-based program of federal student loans, will leave his post at the Education Department this summer."
Case study in fallacy of Obama ethics pledge - May 5, 2010
"Mr. Shireman’s role in the transition and at Education violated both Obama transition and administration ethics policies."
Amanda Simpson
Senior Technical Adviser to the Department of Commerce
Obama names transgender appointee to Commerce post - January 4, 2010
"...as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."
Ronald Cordell Sims
Deputy Secretary of HUD
Records violations dog Sims' nomination - May 7, 2009
"President Obama's choice for the government's No. 2 housing job is embroiled in the largest fine in U.S. history for "blatant violations" of open records laws after the Washington State Supreme Court chastised his office for withholding documents detailing taxpayer costs for a new professional football stadium in Seattle."
King County settles public records lawsuit - April 24, 2009
"King County has now settled my public records lawsuit for $225,000, one of the largest settlements for public records violations in state history. The lawsuit stemmed from my December 2004 request for a list of all voters who voted in the November 2004 election. The county did not satisfy my request in full until January 2007. The documents that they eventually provided to me revealed that county election officials unlawfully counted hundreds of ineligible ballots in the 2004 election: a multiple of Christine Gregoire's 133-vote "margin of victory" over Dino Rossi..."
King County to face bigger fine - January 16, 2009
"The state Supreme Court has ruled that a $124,000 fine paid by King County for blatant violations of the state Public Records Act isn't nearly enough, and has sent the case back to Superior Court with a recommendation to increase the penalty."
Hilda Lucia Solis
Secretary of Labor
Says illegal aliens have right to fair wages - June 19, 2010
YouTube video.
Sonia Sotomayor
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Sotomayor advised critics of Bork - July 2, 2009
"A legal advocacy group advised by Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor in the 1980s actively opposed conservative Robert H. Bork's nomination to the high court calling him a "threat" to the "civil rights of the Latino community.""
Supreme Court overrules Supreme Court nominee - June 29, 2009
"The Supreme Court ruled Monday that white firefighters in New Haven, Conn., were unfairly denied promotions because of their race, reversing a decision that high court nominee Sonia Sotomayor endorsed as an appeals court judge."
Erroll G. Southers
Nominated to head Transportation Security Administration
Southers withdraws his name - January 20, 2010
"President Barack Obama's choice to lead the Transportation Security Administration withdrew his name Wednesday, a setback for an administration still trying to explain how a man could attempt to blow up a commercial airliner on Christmas Day."
Threats are "Christian" and "anti-abortion" - January 14, 2010
"Erroll Southers, who President Barack Obama has nominated to head the Transportation Security Administration, described groups that were a domestic security threat as being "anti-abortion" and “Christian-identity oriented.""
Southers blames terrorism on alliance with Israel - January 12, 2010
"President Obama's nominee to lead the federal agency in charge of airport security claimed in 2008 that America is subject to terror attacks because of its alliances with countries like Israel and France."
Southers lied to congress - January 1, 2010
"The White House nominee to lead the Transportation Security Administration gave Congress misleading information about incidents in which he inappropriately accessed a federal database, possibly in violation of privacy laws..."
Eric Stein
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consumer Protection at Department of Treasury
Involved in subprime mess? - April 27, 2010
"A top Treasury Department official helping craft financial overhaul legislation is facing questions about his involvement in the subprime mortgage crisis."
Eric Stein must resign - April 23, 2010
"In the house of cards that was the mortgage securities market — Stein was the Jack of spades. While Paulson was the bag man for the CRL operation, Stein was it’s hatchet man. Stein harassed and threatened banks into making bad loans. Paulson primed the pump and Stein fueled the fire."
IndyMac attack - April 22, 2010
"It is a drama that no longer surprises us, unfortunately. Wealthy investors use their access to elected officials and their checkbook to advocacy groups for private profit. But this story has a twist; a top executive of CRL when this deal went down, Eric Stein, is now working at the Treasury Department, heading up the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Mr. Stein will be the chief federal official designing regulations to protect consumers. Right."
John Paulson gives $15 million to CRL - April 20, 2010
"Eric Stein, who once worked for Fannie Mae (an institution currently exempt from regulation in the financial reform bill), was also the longtime leader of CRL and Sr. Vice President of CCSH. Today, Stein sits in Obama’s Treasury Department in charge of crafting the current financial reform legislation and the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA)."
Fox in the hen house? - April 16, 2010
"Under Eric Stein’s leadership, Self-Help and CRL have certainly expanded quite a bit, reaching their tentacles into a multitude of different areas. Spreading out from beneath this primary partnership of the two flagship organizations, there is a structure of at least 10 major affiliates, and another 37 sub-affiliates, consisting of an entire network of credit unions, mortgage and short-term lending, venture funds, real estate development companies, and investment companies."
Andrew L. "Andy" Stern
Member of National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
FBI investigating Andy Stern - September 28, 2010
"The FBI and the U.S. Labor Department are investigating prominent labor leader Andy Stern in their probe of corruption at the Service Employees International Union, according to two people who have been interviewed by federal agents."
Stern and Obama: Fiscal responsibility fraudsters - March 4, 2010
"The profligate, corruption-coddling head of the powerful Service Employees International Union was named to the White House debt commission last week. If Obama thinks Stern holds the cure for our government spending woes, you can be certain his latest health care prescription will be fiscal hemlock."
SEIU's Andy Stern has a new gig - March 2, 2010
"Andy Stern has shared the wealth and now, the unions and their pensions are in jeopardy, because sharing the wealth, whether it's been at the barrel of a gun like Maoist or at end of a baseball bat like unions, it doesn't work."
Andy Stern's debts - April 23, 2010
"Purple may be the official color of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), but Andy Stern is leaving the union deep in the red... Mr. Stern has claimed victories in helping pass health care legislation and getting President Obama elected, but his impact within his own organization shows gaping budget deficits and massive underfunding of pensions."
Tom Strickland
Interior Department Chief of Staff
While oil gushed into Gulf, Strickland rafted - May 5, 2010
"Though his agency was charged with coordinating the federal response to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland was in the Grand Canyon with his wife last week participating in activities that included white-water rafting..."
Lawrence Henry Summers
Director of National Economic Council
Romer leaves in frustration - August 5, 2010
"The WH has been pounded for its faulty forecast that unemployment would not top 8% after its economic stimulus proposal passed. Instead, the jobless rate is 9.5%, after exceeding 10% last year. It was "a horribly inaccurate forecast," said Bert Ely, a banking consultant. "You have to wonder why Summers isn't the one that should be taking the fall. But Larry is a pretty good bureaucratic infighter.""
All the president's Goldman Sachs men - April 21, 2010
"While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs, his administration is infested with them."
Romer contradicts Summers on MSNBC - December 13, 2009
"Asked by moderator David Gregory if the recession were over, Romer shot back: "Of course not. For the people on Main Street and throughout this country, they are still suffering, the unemployment rate is still 10 percent." However, on 'This Week' Sunday morning, Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council, said, "Today, everybody agrees that the recession is over, and the question is what the pace of the expansion is going to be.""
More on Summer's losing $1 billion - July 23, 2009
"Basically, Summers took a massive gamble with Harvard’s money, and lost — big. The buck stops with him, and I look forward to Summers admitting as much sooner rather than later."
Summers lost $1 billion of Harvard's endowment - July 22, 2009
"But let’s be clear, here: what Summers did could in no way be considered a hedge, under any common definition of the term. He was indulging in interest-rate speculation, just like Robert Citron. I think it’s fair to say that no previous Harvard president would ever have considered himself qualified to do such a thing, but Summers never let such considerations stop him. And his alma mater is now paying the 10-digit price."
Summers cites Google searches as evidence of recovery - July 17, 2009
"Of all the statistics pouring into the White House every day, top economic adviser Larry Summers highlighted one Friday to make his case that the economic free-fall has ended. The number of people searching for the term “economic depression” on Google is down to normal levels, Summers said."
Summers paid millions by firms receiving bailout money - April 3, 2009
"Lawrence H. Summers, the top economic adviser to President Obama, earned more than $5 million last year from the hedge fund D. E. Shaw and collected $2.7 million in speaking fees from Wall Street companies that received government bailout money, the White House disclosed Friday in releasing financial information about top officials."
Summers falls asleep during economic summit - February 24, 2009
"Although Lawrence Summers, head of the National Economic Council, fell asleep on the podium, most attendees, including Republicans, appear to have appreciated the exercise."
Cass R. Sunstein
Head of Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Sunstein proposes stealth propaganda - January 18, 2010
"That's right. Obama's Regulation Czar is so concerned about citizens thinking the wrong way that he proposed sending government agents to "infiltrate" these groups and manipulate them."
Sunstein's despicable ideas on regulating the internet - July 12, 2009
"Sunstein's book is a blueprint for online censorship as he wants to hold blogs and web hosting services accountable for the remarks of commenters on websites while altering libel laws to make it easier to sue for spreading "rumors.""
WH information czar wants to gag the Internet - July 11, 2009
"Cass Sunstein, a Harvard Law professor who has been appointed to a shadowy post that will grant him powers that are merely mind-boggling, explicitly supports using the courts to impose a "chilling effect" on speech that might hurt someone's feelings. He thinks that the bloggers have been rampaging out of control and that new laws need to be written to corral them."
Christina M. "Tina" Tchen
Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Daley machine progressive promoted - January 7, 2011
"Make no mistake: These appointments aren't about moving toward "centrism." They're about protecting the politics of self-perpetuating favoritism. With Daley in the West Wing and Tchen in the East Wing, the Crony State is safe."
Stephanie Villafuerte
U.S. Attorney nominee
Villafuerte withdraws as nomineee - December 14, 2009
"Stephanie Villafuerte has withdrawn her name from consideration to become Colorado's next U.S. Attorney."
Questions raised by Villafuerte's FBI chat - October 23, 2009
"Despite requests from The Denver Post over two years, Villafuerte has refused to say why she asked Kimbrough about Estrada-Medina, or to describe the nature of the phone conversations she had with Kimbrough and Lepley over the two days that followed."
The political persecution of Cory Voorhis - October 10, 2009
"And now, the sequel! Who was the person on gubernatorial candidate Bill Ritter's campaign team who made the first call in September 2006 to the Denver D.A.'s office to inquire about the illegal alien mentioned in the newspaper stories? Was that person also on a leave of absence from the Denver D.A.'s office to work in the Ritter campaign? Was it the same person who then was subsequently rewarded with a job as a principal deputy to Governor Ritter? Is it the same person who was Ritter's in-house authority on immigration issues and was his personal representative on a 2008 Colorado Department of Public Safety task force appointed to look into immigration enforcement policies? Has that same person, Stephanie Villafuerte, now been nominated by President Obama to be the next U.S. attorney for Colorado? The answer to all the above questions is ... yes."
U.S. Attorney nominee previously abused her position - January 31, 2008
"A call log maintained by DA spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough shows that on Oct. 10, "Steph" called and asked about "Carlos Estrada-Medina." Dick Reeve, a lawyer for the DA's office, confirmed that Steph was Stephanie Villafuerte, former chief deputy DA who was working for the Ritter campaign."
Jim Wallis
Spiritual advisor to President Obama
Soros has Obama's pastor on his payroll - August 25, 2010
"Pastor Jim Wallis lied about receiving money from George Soros's Open Society Institute. His organization, Sojourners, is a leftist "social justice" type of ministry." [More here.]
Wealth, Marxism & social justice - January 21, 2010
"That's what the gospel is all about."
Obama’s “red” spiritual adviser - March 26, 2009
"While all of this, of course, is relevant to an ardent free-market capitalist, what really frightens me is that Obama’s latest announced “spiritual adviser” has had connections with all these Marxist regimes. And who is the president’s latest adviser? The Rev. Jim Wallis."
Profile - 2005
"A number of the editorial positions taken by Sojourners over the years have come back to haunt Wallis. For example, in parallel with his magazine’s stridently antiwar position during the Seventies, Wallis championed the cause of communism. Forgiving its brutal standard-bearers in Vietnam and Cambodia the most abominable of atrocities, Wallis was unsparing in his execration of American military efforts."
Elizabeth Warren
Nominee to be special advisor overseeing creation of new consumer protection bureau
Considering Elizabeth Warren - July 22, 2010
"The progressives seem to have made Elizabeth Warren their cause-du-jour."
Derek Anthony “Tony” West
Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division of the Department of Justice
Who is Tony West? - July 9, 2010
"Talk about a lawyer going above and beyond, rare these days unless of course it’s a cause one truly believes in."
'American Taliban' lawyer heads suit vs. Arizona - July 8, 2010
"Justice Department attorney Tony West is a member of the so-called "Gitmo 9" -- a group of lawyers who have represented terror suspects."
Eric Whitaker
Associate Dean and Executive Vice President of University of Chicago Medical Center
The president’s BCGB - August 23, 2010
"E-mails and other records of Dr. Eric Whitaker — one of President Obama’s best friends — have been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned. The investigation involves “faith-based initiatives” and health-awareness campaigns funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health when Whitaker ran the agency for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, according to copies of subpoenas obtained under the state’s Freedom of Information Act."
Cathy Zoi
DOE Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Zoi has ties to firms that stand to benefit - April 26, 2010
"A top Obama administration official who's helping lead a campaign for energy conservation has a major financial interest in two companies that are poised to benefit from the government's spending."
DOE steers special tax credit to Zoi's husband - February 3, 2010
"Of all the window companies in America, maybe it's a coincidence that the one which gets presidential and vice presidential attention and a special tax credit is one whose company executives give thousands of dollars to the Obama campaign and where the policy officer spends nights at home with the Energy Department's weatherization boss."
'Poster Child' for Obama hypocrisy - January 15, 2010
"...Serious Materials is at the center of a grubby new conflicts of interest scandal in the White House because Assistant Secretary of Energy Cathy Zoi, Roy's wife, just happens to be the Obama appointee in charge of the government's crash weatherization program."
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Travelyn Publishing!

An autobiographical account of one man’s history of sailing, from childhood to old age...
Travelyn Publishing
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Synchronicity and Trump
12/29/17 - My how time flies...
4/29/16 - So why does...
4/5/16 - your country is...
3/30/16 - Looks as though...
3/23/16 - Welcome back!...
3/23/16 - Perhaps famed...
3/22/16 - Welcome back...
3/22/16 - JP's attitude...
3/22/16 - Welcome back JP!...
3/22/16 - Really missed...
3/22/16 - Good to see...
3/21/16 - Well, first...
10/9/15 - No Peace!!!
May Day
4/23/15 - Firstly...
Barack Obama—his background
12/16/14 - Just a heads-up...
Two-faced RINOs
12/09/14 - Would you please...
There are no words to describe my rage
5/26/14 - Barry did not fail...
5/24/14 - Yes, Obama has...
5/24/14 - Welcome to the...
5/24/14 - Well, JP...
5/24/14 - There is no...
Cirque du NBA
5/24/14 - Yes, exactly...
5/14/14 - Sterling may be...
5/13/14 - You have a...
Obama milestones
4/29/14 - Unfortunately JP...
4/27/14 - But bad as he is...
4/19/14 - It is a study...
4/18/14 - Each year...
About this website
4/13/14 - Just curious...
9/3/13 - Stop sending...
8/2/13 - Hi there!
RICO and the Democrat Party
3/29/14 - Yep. BTW...
3/28/14 - Hey - this is weird...
3/27/14 - Hurrah!
Breaking compacts
3/20/14 - Well done.
3/16/14 - Read your bible...
3/16/14 - It's said that...
You get what you pay for
3/13/14 - It would be good...
3/13/14 - I thanked...
1/4/14 - Let's not forget...
John Kerry and Global Warming consensus
3/13/14 - Talk about...
2/22/14 - The Obamunists...
Daily Dose 2/15/14
2/17/14 - This administration...
Daily Dose 2/9/14
2/9/14 - Looks like...
Daily Dose 2/8/14
2/9/14 - I think...
2/9/14 - Meanwhile...
2/9/14 - Interesting...
Big fat liars
2/9/14 - I think Christie's...
2/9/14 - Anyone with...
2/1/14 - Wouldn't it be...
Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and the big freeze out
2/8/14 - Perhaps it...
1/31/14 - Why does...
Daily Dose 2/2/14
2/3/14 - Here's the...
2/2/14 - Here's my...
Daily Dose 1/25/14
1/26/14 - Seems like...
Are liberals butt ugly or what?
1/26/14 - Hello, I was...
Watching Lone Survivor with a WWII infantryman
1/24/14 - Jim....what a...
1/24/14 - I love this! ...
1/23/14 - Jim, Your story...
Attrition of joy
1/18/14 - Headline...
The Barack Obama work ethic
1/11/14 - In my opinion...
1/11/14 - Just some facts...
1/11/14 - Considering what...
1/11/14 - Vacation as Usual...
1/11/14 - He's been lazy...
Disgust and despair: the Paul Ryan budget
12/24/13 - To me this...
12/17/13 - The nerd in me...
12/15/13 - WOW JP, how...
Losing World War II
12/11/13 - Bill Gates is...
12/7/13 - J.P.- this...
America�s first experiment with communism
11/26/13 - Happy Thanksgibbletting.
11/23/13 - What are you...
11/23/13 - Great article...
Oprah overplays the race card
11/23/13 - Oprah has...
8/17/13 - ...a rodeo...
Incorrect promises and noble lies
11/23/13 - Even if...
11/18/13 - I am a good...
11/16/13 - We may yet...
Big lies
10/21/13 - Totally disgusted...
10/20/13 - Hey, JP...
12/29/17 - My how time flies...
4/29/16 - So why does...
4/5/16 - your country is...
3/30/16 - Looks as though...
3/23/16 - Welcome back!...
3/23/16 - Perhaps famed...
3/22/16 - Welcome back...
3/22/16 - JP's attitude...
3/22/16 - Welcome back JP!...
3/22/16 - Really missed...
3/22/16 - Good to see...
3/21/16 - Well, first...
10/9/15 - No Peace!!!
May Day
4/23/15 - Firstly...
Barack Obama—his background
12/16/14 - Just a heads-up...
Two-faced RINOs
12/09/14 - Would you please...
There are no words to describe my rage
5/26/14 - Barry did not fail...
5/24/14 - Yes, Obama has...
5/24/14 - Welcome to the...
5/24/14 - Well, JP...
5/24/14 - There is no...
Cirque du NBA
5/24/14 - Yes, exactly...
5/14/14 - Sterling may be...
5/13/14 - You have a...
Obama milestones
4/29/14 - Unfortunately JP...
4/27/14 - But bad as he is...
4/19/14 - It is a study...
4/18/14 - Each year...
About this website
4/13/14 - Just curious...
9/3/13 - Stop sending...
8/2/13 - Hi there!
RICO and the Democrat Party
3/29/14 - Yep. BTW...
3/28/14 - Hey - this is weird...
3/27/14 - Hurrah!
Breaking compacts
3/20/14 - Well done.
3/16/14 - Read your bible...
3/16/14 - It's said that...
You get what you pay for
3/13/14 - It would be good...
3/13/14 - I thanked...
1/4/14 - Let's not forget...
John Kerry and Global Warming consensus
3/13/14 - Talk about...
2/22/14 - The Obamunists...
Daily Dose 2/15/14
2/17/14 - This administration...
Daily Dose 2/9/14
2/9/14 - Looks like...
Daily Dose 2/8/14
2/9/14 - I think...
2/9/14 - Meanwhile...
2/9/14 - Interesting...
Big fat liars
2/9/14 - I think Christie's...
2/9/14 - Anyone with...
2/1/14 - Wouldn't it be...
Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and the big freeze out
2/8/14 - Perhaps it...
1/31/14 - Why does...
Daily Dose 2/2/14
2/3/14 - Here's the...
2/2/14 - Here's my...
Daily Dose 1/25/14
1/26/14 - Seems like...
Are liberals butt ugly or what?
1/26/14 - Hello, I was...
Watching Lone Survivor with a WWII infantryman
1/24/14 - Jim....what a...
1/24/14 - I love this! ...
1/23/14 - Jim, Your story...
Attrition of joy
1/18/14 - Headline...
The Barack Obama work ethic
1/11/14 - In my opinion...
1/11/14 - Just some facts...
1/11/14 - Considering what...
1/11/14 - Vacation as Usual...
1/11/14 - He's been lazy...
Disgust and despair: the Paul Ryan budget
12/24/13 - To me this...
12/17/13 - The nerd in me...
12/15/13 - WOW JP, how...
Losing World War II
12/11/13 - Bill Gates is...
12/7/13 - J.P.- this...
America�s first experiment with communism
11/26/13 - Happy Thanksgibbletting.
11/23/13 - What are you...
11/23/13 - Great article...
Oprah overplays the race card
11/23/13 - Oprah has...
8/17/13 - ...a rodeo...
Incorrect promises and noble lies
11/23/13 - Even if...
11/18/13 - I am a good...
11/16/13 - We may yet...
Big lies
10/21/13 - Totally disgusted...
10/20/13 - Hey, JP...
J.P. elsewhere
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- Breitbart.com
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- memeorandum
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- Atlas Shrugs
- Cato Institute
- Center for Public Integrity
- Conservative Librarian
- Debbie Schlussel
- Douglass Report
- First Things
- Fraser Institute
- Gateway Pundit
- GetLiberty.org
- Goldwater Institute
- Heritage Foundation
- Hoover Institution
- Hot Air
- I Hate the Media
- Imprimus
- Islam: Religion of Peace
- Jewish World Review
- Jihad Watch
- JunkScience.com
- Lloyd Marcus
- Media Research Center
- Michelle Malkin
- Michael Yon
- National Review Online
- Nat'l Taxpayers Union
- NewsBusters.org
- The Other McCain
- Political Calculations
- The Real Cuba
- Robin of Berkeley
- Sister Toldjah
- Thomas More Center
- TownHall.com
- Weekly Standard
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- Conservapedia
- DiscoverTheNetworks
- Mohammed Images
- OpenSecrets.org
- PolitiFact
- Presidential executive orders
- Sunlight Foundation
- Top 150 conservative websites
- WikiLeaks
- Conservative's Forum
- Smart Girl Politics
- FairTax.org
- SarahPAC

February Top Ten
Democrat Party Timeline of Ignominy
Website update!
Kerri Dunn and her vandalized car
The Nutty Muslim Professor
Kool Kids Klan KKK
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Miranda Prather and the Fist of God
Morton Downey's swastika
The Afghan Knife trilogy
Crooked Democrats