Daily Dose
Today's big stories: February 3, 2014
Obama's contentious peevish interview during Super Bowl. Obama insists his administration has no scandals and blames Fox News & Bill O'Reilly for his problems... then threatens to hold his breath until he turns blue.
Report claims Taliban going broke. Afghanistan’s nutjob insurgents are enduring hard times. Seems conservative Afghans are fed up with them and other sources of money are drying up as well. Yippee. Who would miss them?
Farm bill raises fees on home heating oil in midst of record cold winter How stupid and out of touch are congresscritters in Washington? This is Rep. Leonard Lance, New Jersey Republican:
"The National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) has long benefitted low- and middle-class families and small businesses throughout the Northeast and other cold weather states. The program improves energy efficiency and lowers heating bills at no cost to the U.S. taxpayer.”"No cost to the U.S. taxpayer?" What about the fee itself, dumbass? You know what really lowers heating bills, Mr. Lance? Not adding useless government fees to people's oil bills!
FAA stops beer deliveries by drone. Lakemaid Brewery in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, was using drones to deliver beer to ice fishermen on a Minnesota lake. But the FAA said the delivery system is verboten without a license... and oh by the way they don't offer drone licenses. Isn't it wonderful to have Big Brother watching over us?
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