
  1. How many congressmen does it take to screw up our light bulbs?
    Sent July 21st 2011

    How many congressmen does it take to screw up our light bulbs? _ How many congressmen does it take to screw up our light bulbs? _ Anybody hoping the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives will somehow solve the debt problem, reduce th...

  2. Lie like a rug – American politics in the 21st century
    Sent July 19th 2011

    Lie like a rug – American politics in the 21st century _ Lie like a rug – American politics in the 21st century _ Last Friday, President Obama was frustrated with Republicans about the impasse over the debt limit, so he peevishly cancelled a negotiati...

  3. Tyranny by a thousand cuts
    Sent July 13th 2011

    Tyranny by a thousand cuts _ Tyranny by a thousand cuts _ Conservatives call modern America the Nanny-state, but a better name is Whiny-baby-state. The word "nanny" implies some kind of mother figure keeping people safe until they grow up, but that's...

  4. Casey Anthony and Martha Stewart
    Sent July 8th 2011

    Casey Anthony and Martha Stewart _ Casey Anthony and Martha Stewart _ The world is agog and aghast over the acquittal of Casey Anthony, who was charged with killing her daughter, Caylee (in case you haven't heard). Some people are saying the justice ...

  5. Happy birthday, America
    Sent July 4th 2011

    Happy birthday, America _ Happy birthday, America _ As they head to their favorite beaches on this Independence Day holiday, Americans are grateful for many things, and have many reasons to be optimistic. */They benefit/* from the most unique and suc...

  6. Two-faced RINOs
    Sent June 29th 2011

    Two-faced RINOs _ Two-faced RINOs _ Nothing frets my strings quicker than politicians who are dishonest… so you can imagine how tightly I'm wired, given the propensity for politicians to be exactly that. Democrats are pretty bad, with their constant ...

  7. Politicians who refuse to resign
    Sent June 22nd 2011

    Politicians who refuse to resign _ Politicians who refuse to resign _ Watching Anthony Weiner’s three-week refusal to resign despite wooful waves of wild worldwide wiener wantonness, I kept thinking about the one person in congress doing a worse job r...

  8. Tony Weiner: member of congress
    Sent June 6th 2011

    Tony Weiner: member of congress _ Tony Weiner: member of congress _ Weinergate just keeps growing. As I write this, more women are coming forward with stories of sexual tweeting… and boy oh boy, that's a sentence I never thought I'd write. "Sexual t...

  9. Leftwing science – Part 3 – The list
    Sent June 5th 2011

    Leftwing science – Part 3 – The list _ Leftwing science – Part 3 – The list _ This list is written with the intention of being a living document, which means it will be updated as more examples of leftwing science are added, and whenever new and perti...

  10. Leftwing science – Part 2 – Evolution
    Sent May 25th 2011

    Leftwing science – Part 2 – Evolution _ Leftwing science – Part 2 – Evolution _ Part 1 was about how and why the left twists science. They desperately want to justify the transfer of power from the individual to the state, but given the track record ...

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