Date: January 24th 2010

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

Good week

Wow, what a week! I might be old enough to be Halle Berry’s father (doggone it), but never in all my years have I seen conservative principles so thoroughly vindicated in so many dramatic ways in such a short period of time.

This past week was a good week to be a conservative.

It started on Tuesday when Republican Scott Brown, after telling Massachusetts voters that he is against healthcare legislation and gay marriage, in favor of lower taxes and water boarding, and doesn’t want Gitmo closed or criminal trials for terrorists, won the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy.

He didn’t just win in a state that has three times as many registered Democrats as registered Republicans, and he didn’t just win in Ted Kennedy’s home state, he won in Ted Kennedy’s home town.

(read the rest here:

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