Date: December 22nd 2009

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at


It looks like senate Democrats have mustered the sixty votes they need to pass healthcare legislation. They voted 60-40 at one in the morning Sunday night for “cloture,” which is senate-talk for voting to end debate on the matter.

What is it that parents used to tell their children? Nothing good ever happens after midnight?

I will leave it to Harry Reid to explain why the senate was voting in the middle of the night on the Sunday before Christmas when normally congress is adjourned, and during a weekend of record-breaking blizzards in Washington, D.C. I’m sure he has an explanation. Just remember it’s Harry Reid – don’t expect anything that’s even a tiny bit honest.

You need a minimum of sixty votes for cloture in the U.S. Senate, so even one vote fewer and the American people would remain unencumbered by this onerous infringement upon God-given freedom. But, hey, that’s democracy, right? The Democrats won the last election, that’s why they have those sixty votes, so this is the will of the people, right?

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