Date: December 11th 2009

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

Snowed in

Here in Reno it started snowing Saturday night and didn’t stop until Monday evening. By that time my neighborhood was mostly housebound, and I was struck by a fundamental truth about any state south of Michigan: they don’t have a bleepin’ clue about handling winter.

If the world enters another ice age, the only Americans who will survive are the ones who live in northern New York, Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, etc. The rest of you are doomed. Snow is like kryptonite to y’all.

Snowbelt people would barely notice an ice age. “Been a long winter, eh?” you might hear them admit after a couple of years.

“Yah, you got dat right,” might be the reply. “But at least the mosquito numbers are down.”

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