Date: November 7th 2009

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

Democracy in the United States - Part 3

Here they are again, the basic requirements of democracy:
1. Fraud-free voting
2. Honest vote counting
3. Legitimate choices
4. Educated voters with unrestricted access to information
5. A constitution which prevents abuse by majorities
Does the U.S. have “fraud-free voting” and “honest vote counting?”

Pshaw. One word says it all: ACORN.

ACORN is a grassroots criminal enterprise that attempts to register fraudulent voters before an election (Mickey Mouse, Free Willie, whatever their drug-addled minds can think of), attempts to control the vote during an election (“Hey, you, sleeping in the doorway there! We’ll give you two doughnuts, a fifth of Early Times, and a ride to the polling booth if you promise to vote for Democrats!”), and then attempts to control the vote count after election day (“Oh look, we found a box of votes for Franken in the back seat of the car. How weird.”).

(read the rest here:

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