Date: November 5th 2009

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

Democracy in the United States - Part 2

Pretend that a man – lowlife by nature – was made a senator based upon nothing but family connections. Pretend this man was kicked out of college for cheating and joined the Army during the Korean War, but his daddy was a powerful gang leader – a purveyor of illegal substances who got rich off people’s addictions and used the money to build a political machine. Daddy used this political power to make sure his son got a reduced enlistment period and assignment to Paris instead of the war zone, and then years later Daddy gave him a seat in the United States Senate that was effectively owned by the family.

Keep pretending – hold your nose if you have to.

Pretend this man continued to be a lowlife for the rest of his mortal life. A drunk and a skirt chaser, one night he was cheating on his wife and drove his car, with a young girl in it, off a bridge and into a canal...

(read the rest here:

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