Date: September 29th 2009


September 30, 2009 - Last Thursday, September 24, Susan Denise Atkins died in a California prison. Atkins, a member of the “Manson Family,” was serving a life sentence for the murder of Sharon Tate, among others.

Two days later, in Switzerland, Sharon Tate’s husband at the time of her death, Roman Raymond Polanski, was arrested after spending 32 years on the lam from U.S. justice for raping a 13-year-old girl in the same state, California.

Doesn’t that seem like an odd coincidence? For 32 years he outruns the law, and then gets caught two days after his wife’s murderer dies?

You don’t have to be a wild-eyed conspiracy theory nut to wonder about the odds of that happening. It sure looks like the state of California didn’t want Polanski and Atkins occupying the same time zone, or at least not the same prison system.

Don’t ask me why. I’m just saying it’s weird.

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