Date: April 17th 2014

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at


[J.P.'s Moment of Common Sense. For a list of subscribing radio stations, click here.]

A Frenchman, an American, and a Brit are having a drink in a bar when the subject of savoir faire comes up. The American says, "I know what savoir faire is—that's when a man comes home early from work, catches his wife in bed with another man, and says, 'Oops, pardon me.'"

"You're close," says the Brit, "but a bit off. Savoir faire is when a man comes home early from work, catches his wife in bed with another man, and says, 'Oops, pardon me, please continue.'"

"Gentlemen!" objects the Frenchman, in high dudgeon...

(read the rest here:

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