Date: September 2nd 2011

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

J.P.'s moment of common sense - Barry Obama: Who is this guy?

[Sixth weekly oratorial exposition on Broad View, KBZZ 1270 AM Reno. Click on the microphone to listen.]

Last Wednesday, President Obama's Uncle Omar, who goes by the name Obama Onyango, was arrested for drunk driving in Framingham, Massachusetts. That's in the Boston area. He was arrested after running a stop sign and nearly hitting a police car, and then he told the policeman to stop complaining because he, Obama Onyango, didn't hear the screeching of brakes so there couldn't have been a real problem.

If that's not comedic enough, the belligerent arrestee, when asked if he wanted to make a phone call, said, quote, "I think I will call the White House." ...

(read the rest here:

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