Date: January 14th 2010

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at


My sister, Mary, diehard conservative like myself, sends me chain emails – some of them funny, many of them political. She used to send them to everybody in the family, but some of the liberals in the family complained and she was persuaded to restrain herself.

(Yes, my family has liberals in it. We suspect genetic damage from PBB in the Michigan milk supply during the 1970’s… fortunately, I was an orange juice drinker.)

As a conservative who reads Daily Kos and subscribes to the Huffington Post, I cannot understand people who object to an opposing viewpoint landing in their inbox, but hey, different strokes for different folks. My thought process goes like this: any email that doesn’t try to sell me Viagra or promise to transform my organ into a two-foot pillar of concrete is okay. (What am I gonna do with that extra inch for crying out loud?)

(read the rest here:

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