Date: October 22nd 2009

Conservative Resources by J.P. Travis at

Democracy in the United States - Part 1

Do we live in a democratic nation?

At first glance, this doesn’t look like a rational question. After all, the United States of America is the preeminent democratic nation of human history, the instigator by revolution of the modern democratic movement, a shining example of freedom and self-determination for oppressed peoples everywhere.

Right? What kind of uninformed, unpatriotic nincompoop would ask such a thing?

The question wouldn’t arise if mutt-ugly, dishonest, twisted little comedians weren’t being elected to the U.S. Senate (no, that’s not a dig at Al Franken – I’m referring to the senate in general), and lying, economy-wrecking, idiotic pimps weren’t being elected to the U.S. House (again, not a dig at anybody specific, like Barney Frank), and disingenuous, America-hating, Mao-loving commies weren’t filling up the White House (generally speaking).

With so many losers in public office, the question needs to be asked: do Americans really want this collection of murderers, thieves, tax cheats, and scoundrels representing them or has something gone horribly wrong with our democratic republic?

(read the rest here:

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