Date: September 24th 2009

Plaxico injustice

September 25, 2009 - Tuesday, Plaxico Jeffrey Burress left to serve two years in prison for shooting himself in the leg.

New Yorkers, do you feel safer now, knowing that Plaxico won’t be catching footballs in Giants Stadium anymore? Are you sleeping better knowing he’s off the streets?

Leftwing mayor-for-life Michael Bloomberg made an example of Mr. Burress, intending to teach his minions – formerly free citizens – in New York a lesson about gun possession, but instead they got a lesson in state tyranny.

How does a man go from catching the winning touchdown in a Super Bowl to sitting in state prison without hurting anybody? Without even INTENDING to hurt anybody?

What purpose is served by taking a productive human being who poses no danger to anybody else and ruining his career, ending his freedom, and wrecking his life?

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